"Well, yeah, probably." Eli didn't like the uncertain tone of Matthew's voice.

"What do you mean probably?" Eli paused in his task, a bottle of antiseptic in his hand and a suspicious look on his face.

"Just saying, there's always the possibility that either Fisk'll keep him around or he'll find someone else to work for."

"Is that really possible? I mean, he really messed up and didn't even get rid of you. Which is good. Just, you know, not for the bad guys."

Matthew snorted at that before shaking his head. "He's still skilled. Even if he didn't work out for Fisk, others might want to try their luck."

"Even if he failed miserably at keeping his boss' buddies out of jail and lost him millions in weapons?"

"Sure. I mean, good help's hard to find these days and the guy I fought was good. I wouldn't be surprised if I ran into him again," Matthew said, grumbling the last bit.

Eli couldn't blame him. After all, he wasn't happy with the thought of that guy being out there. Of him maybe running into Matthew again. His brow furrowed as his thoughts turned to the way Matthew looked the last time that happened.

"I'll be fine," Matthew said. Then, he nearly made Eli jump as he leaned against him, arms going around the redhead. "Besides, if I die, who's gonna make sure you eat something other than cup noodles and hot pockets?" Eli actually snorted at that, and for once, he was glad for Matthew's habit of saying something stupid at the worst time.

"What are you, my mom?" He asked, not bothering to push Matthew off. That would just make him whine more. Instead, he continued with his task of putting things away. "Actually, nevermind, she actually fed me cup noodles and hot pockets."

"Well, that explains a lot," Matthew muttered, his warm breath rustling Eli's hair.


"I'm kidding," Matthew added, though Eli didn't fail to note that he was clearly laughing. Eli still shut the newly organized first aid kit and turned to glare at Matthew. "Aw, you look cute when you're grumpy."

"Glad to see you're feeling well enough to be annoying." Eli wasn't sure whether he should be glad that was normal for Matthew. "Now hurry up and change. It's late and you need some sleep." He didn't want to think about how he'd feel in the morning after getting so little sleep.

"Now who's the mom?" Matthew got a towel to the face for that comment as Eli decided it was too late—or early, he didn't care which—to deal with Matthew. Especially when he was so committed to being an idiot.

He fell asleep nearly as soon as his head hit the pillow. The stress of everything going on in his life slowly fading away. It wasn't long after that he was vaguely aware of Matthew lying down next to him, pulling him closer and making Eli grumble in a half-asleep daze. Soon enough, he was able to settle down, Matthew's warm body at his back and the arms around him helping him get some much needed rest.

He wished he'd been able to wake up just as pleasantly.

Eli wasn't ashamed to admit he fell out of the bed. To be fair, he'd woken up an hour late and Matthew had decided he was going to do his best impression of a giant baby koala as he clung to Eli without even waking up, grumbling every time Eli tried to break free from his grasp. Eventually, he managed to free himself from Matthew's hold, but not without landing on the ground, right next to his bed.

He spared only a second to glare at Matthew before rushing off to get dressed. When Eli hurried out into the kitchen, still pulling on a sweater and dragging his backpack, Matthew was just starting breakfast.

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