Chapter 2

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I'm currently walking through my school halls with little to no money to get me through the day.

I wasted no time in getting to my homeroom, flopping down in the first seat that I see almost instantly drifting off.

My nap was cut short as someone woke me up. I looked up at the person as he just stood hovering over me. He wasn't saying anything so I raised a brow

"My seat,"

"Oh, i'm sorry, I didn't see a name on here," I rolled my eyes then rested my head back down. The nerves of some people, seriously

I felt my hair being pulled up, my head following. He's not serious right now

"Let go of my hair," I said, digging my nails into his arm

"Is that suppose to hurt?" he laughed

I swear I hate my life. The only good thing about it is Elizabeth and we don't even go to the same school so I can't even see her on a daily basis

"Fine, i'll get up. Just let go," I said between gritted teeth and he did just that

I quickly got up, an instant pain shooting through my side, causing me to fall back into the seat

I saw his hand reaching toward me. Out of habit I flinched and went to block it

I looked up to see a confused look on his face

I looked away quickly and got up from the seat, going to mine. That was embarrassing

He sat beside me, turning his head to look at me

I looked away and rested my head on the desk, waiting for sleep to wash over me

This is basically the best thing I can do to keep sane and not break down from all my pent up emotions

Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep

I woke up to the teacher hovering over me

"Can I help you?" I asked, stretching out in my desk

"Yes, you can actually,"she folded her arms, staring down at me

"And just how can I help you Ms....," I trailed off not remembering her name

"Tyson. Can you please not sleep in my class. You're grades aren't looking too good, not that they ever were," she mumbled the last part

"Not to be rude Ms. Rylin-,"

"Tyson," she corrected me

"Isn't that what I said. Anyways as I was saying if I got a good night sleep I'd be way more attentive but unfortunately there's no such luck. I'm constantly busy and for sleeping in you're class i'm truly, deeply sorry cause that alone is disrespectful but I just cannot help it," I gave her the saddest face I could muster

She sighed 

"Don't let this happen again," she turned and walked away leaving the whole class looking at me

Teachers are such bitches, I swear. I can't afford to be sent to the principals office. They'll call my father and I cannot put up with that

Lunch time rolls around and I quickly pack up my stuff and dash out of class to get to the canteen to buy whatever my little amount of money could afford. As I was stepping through the door the guy from class stops me, the one whose seat I was sitting in. The one that yanked my hair. In other words, the one that I hate at the moment

Dear lord kill me now

He walked up to me, his muscles flexing under his shirt as he made his way towards me. His jet black hair bouncing with every step he took

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