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Why do I want this,

why am I so smitten;

feeling so stupidly happy.

I'm not a very romantic person

at least on the outside.

I act so cold

so emotionless,

because I'm scared.

Scared to let anyone in

You know, it terrifies me

to imagine having someone all to myself

someone to cry into

to hold

to touch

to be there for me. 

Could such a creature exist?

So rare and fine

with scars like mine.

Our darkness would collide

like an eruption of black feathers

and we would melt each others demons away.


Why does this idea hurt so much..

...even worse...

...hurts so much worse when I wish I had it.

I see it constantly

in movies

in books

on the street

in my dreams.

I used to be satisfied with watching.

With being alone.

I was strong.

But now... I'm weak

I want it

Somethings snapped.

I want it.

Fuck I want it

so damn bad

I need someone 

but I can't let myself

God I'm breaking

but I can't stop

I need to keep it together

keep these feelings in check

but the longing

it's breaking me.

My Only Language is Wordsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن