Chapter two- Agatha ya bitch

Start from the beginning

"Hey have you seen outside yet?" He asked her. She shook her head no in response. "There's no power so no service." He told her making her groan in annoyance.

They walked outside and saw the mess that was Outer Banks. They looked and saw that a tree and been knocked over, taking a chunk of the ground with it.

"That's not good." Sage said looking at the tree.
"That is not good." She repeated.

"Agatha did some work huh?" JJ asked joining the siblings outside. Sage looked at the blonde who was drinking as beer.

"Yeah she did." John B answered.

"A beer really?" She asked the boy. It was early in the morning and he was drinking a beer.

"Good morning to you too." He replied smirking and then taking a sip of his beer. She rolled her eyes again as she went back to helping her brother take the branches off the HMS Pogue.

"Whatcha thinkin?" JJ asked walking to them and the boat.

"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All the drum are gonna chase the crab." John b said hopping into the boat.

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asked.

"Nah they're not gettin' on a ferry." Sage answered.

"Come think about it, it's God telling us to fish!" John B said making Sage smile.

"I'll go get my swimsuit on," she said turning and walking back into the house. JJ watched the beautiful girl has she disappeared into the house.

"Dude," John B said noticing JJ who was staring at his sister in awe. JJ looked at the boy. "Stop looking at my sister like that."

"Don't worry dude, I know the rule, no Pogue on Pogue macking." JJ said with a smirk.

"Ew don't even mention that, I don't want to think about you two macking." John B said with a gross look on his face.

"Don't worry I'll do that myself." JJ said making John B throw a tree branch at JJ.

John B would never admit it, but if Sage were to be with any boy, he hoped she picked JJ. He knows that JJ would take care of her.

Once Sage came back they got the boat in the water and headed off the pick up Pope and Kie. They talked about other people while they watched people from the docks pick up branches and stuff that was hit by the storm.

"We'll be cleaning this all summer." JJ said looking at the mess.

"That is my nightmare." John B said, Sage nodding in agreement. They soon pulled up to Popes dock, Pope had a hose in his hand as he washed down buckets.

"Well, look who we have here." Sage said with a smirk on her face.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." John b said into his shirt pretending it was a walkie talkie as if he was a cop.

"I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown." Pope said.

"Come on, man." JJ said before making a static noise. "Your dad's a pussy, over." He said pretending like John B.

"Oh I heard that you little bastard." Heyward said has he walked next to his son. Sage giggled at his reaction.

"We need your son!" John B said to Heyward.

"Yeah island rules," Sage lied, "Day after a hurricane's a free day, Heyward."

"Who the hell made that up?" Heyward asked the girl.

A Pogues life- A JJ love storyWhere stories live. Discover now