"Nope," Stefan sighs, "Just the dead one."

"Alright," Damon nods, "Klaus has six siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one dead kid in the old world and one dead kid in the new world. Which leaves Elijah and two others, three sleeping originals and the Sister-in-law, Lili, who we have no idea where she is." Damon huffs, Stefan and i share a quick look, we haven't told Damon Lili's working with us. "Four coffins, so who is in the locked box?" Damon asks, staring at the coffin.

"No clue," I shrug, "but whatever's in here Bonnie seems to think it'll help us kill Klaus," I state. "So, the sooner she can get it open, the sooner we'll know is she's right."

"Well you'd think the spirits of a bunch of dead witches that could make a coffin invisible, that they would figure out how to open one!" Damon yells, trying to provoke the witches or something. I just look at him like he's crazy, shaking my head. "Fine. Don't help." Damon grumbles when the witches do nothing.

"You know, none of this is going to do us any food if Klaus' hybrid friends find our hiding spot, right?" Stefan deadpans, "They need to go away."

"Oh, yeah, that's a great idea, Stefan. Why don't you just ask him to pack a bag and take a long vacation while you're at it?" Damon states sarcastically. "How about you keep the peace? Don't draw attention to the very things we're trying to hide."

"No, I'm not going to play defense when we have what Klaus wants. He does what we say or we dump his family to the bottom of the ocean." Stefan states angrily, glaring at Damon.

"Then he kills you and everyone you know. Like i don't know, us." Damon argues. I start to form a plan in my head, sitting quietly.

"No, he's bluffing. His family means more to him than anything else." Stefan states, glancing over to me. "You're being oddly quiet..."

I shush him, holding my hand up. "I'm thinking."

"Are you sure about that?" Damon challenges, glaring at Stefan.

"Could both of you shut the hell up." I groan, "Look, there's only one way to find out, right? Call his bluff." I shrug. Stefan gives me a weird look, catching onto what I'm thinking.

"Alina, there's only one way to call someone's bluff, is to be willing to lose everything if you're wrong," Damon warns.

"Well, then you better hope to god we're not wrong." I shrug. Stefan smirks at me while Damon looks at me like I'm insane, while at this point, i just might be.


I stand there silently, leaning against the door frame waiting for him to notice me. "I'm surprised you're still in town. I thought you would've run off with Stefan. I gave you two your freedom, you could've gone anywhere." Klaus states, giving me a small smile.

"I think you forget that i live here." I chuckle, staring at him.

"Well, if we're playing that game, then, uh... I was here first." He states, walking over to me.

"What are we, five?" I ask, Klaus chuckles, giving me a small smile. "You know, I don't like your hybrids. They're everywhere, like fleas and they're ugly." I state, walking over to him.

"Not all my creations can be as pretty as you, darling," Klaus smirks.

"What a shame." I shrug, "I want them gone." I state seriously.

"Well, there's a conflict of interest, i kind of like having them around." Klaus shrugs. I hum, looking around the renovation. "You know, I'm hurt. I hoped that I'd free you and we'd continue where we left off, but here you are back with the boyfriend who you're pretty sure is in love with your sister, and drinking vervain like the rest of them, I'm sure. So much for friendship."

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