The first wasn't all that bad, but the second thing that he found was that he was strapped down. Beginning to gain his strength, he pushed and pulled against the chains that seemed to strap to every single one of his joints.
His was in such a position that he was down on his knees with large metal cuffs keeping his legs planted to the ground. Meanwhile, his arms were strung up as similar cuffs covered his entire forearms. Something he took note was that they were way heavier than they looked. The only thing keeping his arms up was the chains, otherwise, he wouldn't have the strength to do so.

The only clothing that he had was a simple pair of shorts that were not his. Around his torso was definitely not a shirt. His chest was completely covered by a sort of metal vest. Symmetrically placed all around the metal cast were even more chains that attached to every surface in the room. It was then that he finally realized the mouthguard that was tightly strapped around the bottom half of his face. It had only allowed him small jaw movements to only talk but nothing else.
'They must know about my ember breath; whoever they are.'

The only explanation that made since to explain his predicament was the League of Villains. But at the same time, it didn't make sense. That last thing he remembered was hearing the comforting words of Shoko. If he's here, then what happened to her?
Izuku was now beginning to panic even more at the possibility of danger not yet being finished. He tested himself against the chains, but he was far too tired to summon enough strength to even attempt to break them.
He would have to let his healing factor work his exhausted body, and hopefully, whoever was keeping him here was stupid enough to give him some food or leave him alone long enough to recover.

Now, all Izuku could do is wait for things to fall into place. And while he waited, he listened for anything sounds. This proved to be futile when he quickly learned that the room was soundproof. He had just as much luck when trying to identify any scents. There was a trace from someone; probably the person that chained him here. But other than that, nothing. Even the smells that traveled from the tiny vent on ceiling that he found later on was bare.
All he could do was wait.

"And just where are you going at this time of the night?" The voice from behind Shoko sure was a surprise to the girl. She was even more surprised to see that it was Monoma and not a teacher when she turned around and spotted the blue eyes and blond hair.
He was leaning up against the wall; just out of view if you were on the inside of the door that Shoko just came from. Said door was the exit to the building that held their dorms, so both were out in the open night.

"It is none of your concern. Go back inside and pretend that you never saw me." The girl said with the same emotionless voice. But Monoma was able to detect the trace of heat in those words.

"And what? Let you go look for Izuku by yourself?" The girl finally gave the slightest bit of emotion from the question.

"T-that's not what I'm doing. I'm just... letting of some steam. And besides, I have no idea where he is. No matter how much I want to go look for him, there's no possible way for me to do it before something happens." The lie sounded nearly solid, but no matter how good the lie, the truth will always blow it away.

"Then why don't you look at that tracker and find out?"

Shoko was definitely not expecting to hear that. Her current mood was dropped for a split second as she looked like a dear caught in headlights. It was quickly wiped away as Monoma adopted a smug look; one that was more friendly than condescending.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said in a serious tone to try and intimidate the boy.

"Oh please, trying to act dumb is just wasting time. Izuku told me about the chip he has lodged under his collar." After Monoma explained, Shoko looked back with the same serious face, but it now had a sign of annoyed defeat.

The Norse Hero: FenrirWhere stories live. Discover now