First Day of Classes

Start from the beginning

She looked back at George with a smile. His heart clenched again "sure, that would be nice."

"You coming, Fred?" George asked turning to his brother.

"Right behind you."

As they approached they could hear Ron's voice ring out. "Snape, Trelawney, and that Umbridge woman all in one day! I wish Fred and George'd hurry up and get those Skiving Snack boxes sorted . . ."

"Do my ears deceive me?" Fred retorted as he and Goerge sat down next to Harry. Lyra says next to Hermione with a warm good morning smile. She smiled back. "Hogwarts prefects surely don't wish to skive off lessons?"

Ron threw his schedule at Fred, "Look what we've got today, That's the worst Monday I've ever seen."

"Fair point little bro." Fred retorted a gleam in his eye "You can have a bit of Nosebleed Nougat cheap if you like."

Lyra looked up and glared at him harshly. She didn't approve of selling sub-par goods. But after years of living with the Twins, she was glad to see Ron knew better.

"Why's it cheap?" he asked looking at the twins wearily.

"Because you'll keep bleeding till you shrivel up, we haven't got an antidote yet," replied George not even looking up from the snacks.

. "Cheers," Ron Groaned, "but I think I'll take the lessons."

Lyra agreed it was definitely the smarter move.

"And speaking of your Skiving Snack boxes," Hermione interjected glaring at the boys, "you can't advertise for testers on the Gryffindor notice board."

Lyra's heart swelled with love, Hermione Granger already living up to her perfect title.

"Says who?" George asked accusingly

"Says me," she spat back, "And Ron."

"Leave me out of it," said Ron hastily. Hermione glared at him. Lyra was reminded again how she much preferred Victor.

"You'll be singing a different tune soon enough, Hermione. You're starting your fifth year, you'll be begging us for a Snackbox before long." Fred said.

"And why would starting fifth year mean I want a Skiving Snackbox?" she prompted.

"Fifth year's O.W.L. year," said George. "So?"

"So you've got your exams coming up, haven't you? They'll be keeping your noses so hard to that grindstone they'll be rubbed raw," Fred retorted.

"Half our year had minor breakdowns coming up to O.W.L.s," George added, making Lyras eyes roll. So dramatic.

"Tears and tantrums . . . Patricia Stimpson kept coming over faint . . ." "Kenneth Towler came out in boils, d'you remember?" said Fred reminiscently.

"That's 'cause you put Bulbadox Powder in his pajamas," said George.

"Oh yeah," said Fred, grinning. "I'd forgotten. . . . Hard to keep track sometimes, isn't it?"

"Anyway, it's a nightmare of a year, the fifth, if you care about exam results anyway. Fred and I managed to keep our spirits up somehow."

"Yeah . . . you got, what was it, three O.W.L.s each?" said Ron.

Lyra cringed.

"Yep, but we feel our futures lie outside the world of academic achievement," Fred replied unconcerned.

"We seriously debated whether we were going to bother coming back for our seventh year," said George brightly, "now that we've got —" He faltered and Lyra felt an abrupt shift in Harry's mood"— now that we've got our O.W.L.s," George said hastily. "I mean, do we really need N.E.W.T.s? But we didn't think Mum could take us leaving school early, not on top of Percy turning out to be the world's biggest prat."

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