Then I went to my car. My heart lit aflame as I saw Elik propped against my car. He was waiting for me. Waiting to give me something. His graduation present, my first kiss. One soft kiss that was too short was placed upon my lips. My world unraveled and my body had yearned for so much more.

Elik heard my silent pleas and assaulted my lips in a passionate, bruising kiss. I felt like the evening stars had burst into flames.

My lips tingle with the memory.

Then he asked me to be his. My heart took flight.

God I love that man.

Snapping out of my memories, I look around.

I don't see Elik.

I decide to head back to my car and call him. My phone is in the passenger seat.

When I get to the parking lot, my heart stops.

Play song NOW!!!!

Fuck, he is gorgeous.

Elik is propped against my car.

I run to him. The emptiness from not seeing him today is a burning ember in my soul.

He pulls me into him. Me standing between his legs. I grab his face and kiss his beautiful lips.

"Hey baby." He whispers.

"I have your bag, right here." I hand it over to him hurriedly.

"Thank you. I couldn't do it without this bag" He whispers.

"I love you sweetheart." He confirms.

"I love you." I promise.

His hand slips and the bag falls to the ground. He drops down to grab it. I watch. I hope it wasn't breakable.

I watch and my eyes fill with tears.

He's holding a velvet box, down on one knee.

I can't breathe. I fucking can't breathe.

"Elik." The word stumbles from my lips.

He lifts his head and a blinding smile is covering his face. His lips are trembling and his hands are shaking.

"Deklyn Reese Jackson. I remember the first moment I saw you. I was leaving a party I found no use for. Then you came into my line of sight. I felt my heart reach out for you and latch on with a titanium grip. You drew me in and never let go. That night was awful. I fought with my soul over you. I watched as your world crumbled and I felt selfish for thinking my world was falling into place. You were a broken mess. I yearned to comfort you. It was unnatural and confusing. A stranger was distressed but, your spirit sent a siren call to mine. I took one look at your shattered features. Your hair was disheveled, your eyes were lost and you were a crying shamble. You were beautiful in my eyes. Everyday since, you have held my heart. I have never known serenity as I do in your arms. I never want to lose that feeling. I kneel before you and ask you to please allow me to share the rest of my life with you. Let me get lost in your hazel eyes that open the portal to your soul. Let me taste your sweet assaulting kiss. Let me feel the tenderness of your touch. Let me love you. Will you marry me?"

I can't form words. My heart is erratically bruising my rib cage. Hiccups are reaking havoc thru my form.

I just stand there in stunned silence.

"Dek, baby?" Elik's distressed voice calls for me.

I register his words but, I can't respond. I move my lips but, my voice is an ocean away. I don't have the strength to rescue it.

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