When he saw that the needled tail had finally made a hit, he saw that it looked to be sucking out his blood, instead of injecting the strange liquid. Before he could investigate, he sensed the presence of the Nomu again.

He looks up just as the massive fist connects with jaw and sends the wolf across the park and into another building.
This time, the impact caused the structure of 3 stories to come down on him. That mass amounts of weight, including the odd position that he was in, made it difficult for him to get himself out. Above, he could hear the Nomu approaching and starts to pull off the concrete on top. Deciding to not ask questions, Ragnarök waited for the right moment.

Chunk after chunk, when Izuku spotted the first sign of the centaur, he blasted another cannon in the spot where he depicted the head to be. The cannon was also able to knock away the rest of the debris as Izuku leaps out and gives a kick to the Nomus chest; making sure to dig in his claws in the process.
The ambush pushed the beast back many yards, but was able to keep its footing. After a quick inspection, he could see that the Nomu had managed to dodge the cannon enough for it to only graze its neck and shoulder.

Then there was another thing; how is this thing still standing? He burnt this thing to a crisp and made sure that it was dead before he assumed anything. Did sucking out his blood with its tail somehow heal it?
If that's the case, then he needs to take care of it. Lucky for him, there is fire hydrant next to him. He rips it out of the ground just as the Nomu charges again and foolishly uses its tail as a starting move.

He aimed the fire hydrant for the needle to enter the bottom, and when it did, he crushed the metal around the needle; making the weapon useless unless pulled off.
Not like he was going to let that happen.

The Nomu looked slightly confused about the added addition to the end of its limb until it was given a brutal slash across waist from Ragnarök's claws. It screeched as it brought its attention back to the wolf. Said wolf didn't let up as he slashed down the left side of its chest. The centaur brought an arm to defend against the third attack, but the attempt proved to be a waste as the next strike was OFA charged.
With a downward slash, Ragnarök ripped the arm right off and dropped to the ground with it no longer attached to anything.

The Nomus screeches were starting to get annoying at this point so the wolf gripped the monsters bottom jaw, brought a foot against the centaur's chest.
And pulled.

Izuku didn't like the idea of disfiguring people, but this thing was not a person, and his instincts were constantly howling to end this intruding apex. The fleshy sound of the creatures jaw being ripped from the Nomu was enough to make anyone lose their lunch, but just looking at it was far worse. Now, the screeches were gargled and were unable to as loud without the use of it's bottom jaw that was currently in Izukus' hand.
With the final decisions to take out the Nomu in the next move, Ragnarök charged OFA to the max in his right arm.

He accumulated a ball of indigo fire in his palm. He seized the head of the Nomu, lifted it high into the air.

And brought it down. HARD

"If you won't do your job and help me then I'll go myself!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, but with all these people here, we need as many heroes to st- "

The first thing to cut the hero off was the intense vibration in the ground that became more violent by the second. Then came the deafening boom of a shockwave.
After everyone was able to regain their bearings, Shoko and everyone else there turned to see small plume of a dark cloud of smoke. Just above the buildings, she could see the wave of raging indigo flame.

The Norse Hero: FenrirWhere stories live. Discover now