"Win!" Caesar bellowed over the wild roars of the ring. "Someone get him his arm!"

I released him, stepping back and watching him warily. Ryan glared at me, eyes aflame with fury, but he turned away when his arm hit him in the back of the head.

I made my way to Hugo, grabbing his lost arms from where they were discarded in the middle of the field. A few parted so we would have room around the perimeter of the ring, and I helped Hugo reattach his arms as Caesar yelled out the names of the next fight.

"Thanks," Hugo whispered, flexing the fingers of his right hand as I carefully reattached his left arm.

"Of course, kiddo. It's my job, isn't it?" I asked him. "It's about time someone stood up for you, anyway."

He smiled at me as I stood and ruffled his hair. "No one's ever stood up for me before."

"You better get used to it then, punk," I said. Neither Hugo or myself were called into the ring again. It was well past nightfall, likely close to ten, when Caesar dismissed us.

"Don't forget your free hour at 2200," Caesar told me when Hugo tugged me over to talk to him.

I checked my watch. "Half an hour until then, still. Thanks for the reminder."

"Certainly. I suggest you watch your back for the next few hours. Ryan is none to happy about his defeat," Caesar advised.

"I will," I said with a nod.

"Good. Well fought," Caesar said. "But don't get arrogant. You will not win every fight. What I saw was not beginner's luck, but you are still an easy opponent to the likes of Doyle."

"My brother Jasper taught me a few things when I was still human. Along with a few other... friends," I said.

"I see," Caesar said, catching my meaning. "I expect you to meet me in my quarters at five tomorrow morning for our first, shall I say, meeting."

"I'll be there," I said.

Hugo bounced on his toes, looking impatient. "Caesar, will you have any time to help me practice my gift tomorrow?"

"We'll see," Caesar said good-humoredly. "However, I believe you need more practice with fighting than your gift."

"I don't like fighting," Hugo said, frowning up at him.

"Even so, it benefits you to know how to protect yourself. Unfortunately, the ring does well at demonstrating the brutality of war."

"I'll think about it," Hugo said finally.

"Good boy," Caesar approved. He glanced back at me. "I have duties to attend to. Until tomorrow, Cullen. Hugo."

"Adios, Caesar!" Hugo said. "C'mon, we can go to my room until your free hour."

"When is your free hour?" I asked curiously as we ran back to his room. "Do you actually have an assignment?"

"Nope! The masters said that my only assignment is to come when they summon me. They haven't yet," Hugo said. "So I practice with my gift and read comic books and watch TV most of the time."

"I see. Were you always alone before I was assigned to watch over you?"

His head bobbed up and down in a nod. "Si, but I didn't mind too much. I am glad you're here, though. It's nice to have a friend."

"It is, isn't it?" I said, a faint smile on my face when I thought about the guard back at Volturi. A familiar ache spread through my chest when I thought of the kings, but it wasn't as devastating as before; I knew to expect the pain now. Fortunately, I could function through pain.

Penance ↠ Volturi Kings {2} ✓Where stories live. Discover now