Chapter 32.

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Edit: this song wasn't supposed to be published with the chapter 😭😭 I only listen to it to write part of the story. Anyways...

Song: Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted.

It was about 11pm when I sat in silence inside of my car, steering wheel in hand and eyes glancing at the rear view mirror.

As pleasant as it was to see Dakota, this was not something I enjoyed seeing. Her in this state broke my heart, her eyes were swollen from crying, red and leaking with tears as she held Asher, who was fast asleep, in her arms.

My mother has made this woman life hell and for what? Despite what happened, Dakota's soul was still so pure. I sighed softly.

This was all my fault and I was willing to do everything in my power to make things right.

According to Arthur, Social Services was supposed to pay Dakota a visit tomorrow morning at 9 which meant that I'd only have 1hr to make things right.

"Hey." I hear Dakota say as she steps into my home office. I was busy writing down numbers and putting arguments together for when I made these calls. "Hey, are you alright?" I giver her my full attention and she comes all the way around my desk to sit in my lap.

"I'm trying to be." She rest her head on my shoulder as she wraps her arms around me. "I hope your plan works because Asher has always been all I have in this world until I met you and if I lose him, I'll lose you because I'll lose me." I held her tight, the cracking of her voice ignited anger and sadness, loss and grieve, they boiled in me and I rest my head above hers.

"As long as I'm here Dakota, no one can and will ever hurt you, I'll work on it."

"Thank you." She looks up at me. "I'm sleeping with Asher tonight."

"Okay." I understood how close she would want to be knowing that in a few hours he's probably be gone. She kisses me slowly and then she leaves. I've dreamt about kissing her lips again and feeling much delight, except I felt her sadness and pain. But soon, everything's going to be alright.

I spent the rest of the night in my office, everything needed to make sense, everything needed to add up, it needed to be flawless.

One wrong move could ruin everything and I was running through it again. The first call would be to a lawyer explaining the details of the arrangements my mother made.

Arthur found out that my mother was just asking favors from her friends telling them stories and that no real background was done.

If they had, Child Services wouldn't be arranging to meet. Her plan was set in stone, no matter how much proof Dakota has to show that she was capable, she would lose him anyways.

The head of Child Services would be next and once they've received a call from me with a detail description of the crime about to be committed, they will have no choice but back down. The persons involved with taking away Asher would obviously lose their jobs and a threat to take the matter to court would be left on the table.

I'd call my mother last to tell her how her plan failed and that she should dismantle any plans to remove Dakota from my life or else she'll be arrested for slander and falsifying of documents.

The plan was made and was to be executed there was no going off the rails with this but, if it were to fail there was a plan B.

That would including leaving with her to an island where I have shares in two businesses; Tourism and Petroleum. This has been a secret I've hid from everyone I've known for years, not even my sister knows. We could start life there and be on our way. Of course I'd have to find out if she'd be okay with leaving her life here and moving to the Caribbean.

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