prophets baby

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it's so cold. i've been sleeping at the park for about a week. my dad , the leader of the prophets kicked me out. he always does this. he always bringing home girls , abusing me , he even involves me into this gang stuff. i'm kinda glad i'm outta there but i know he'll come back for me and i'll have to deal with that bullshit again.

i miss my mom. my friends. school. no 11 year old should go through this. i was daydreaming on the swings about what a normal life would be like. i didn't even notice a car pulled up at the park.

a man came out of the car and walked towards me. he was bald , had a couple tattoos on him. he looked like he was in his 20s. i was so scared. what if he was gonna hurt me. murder me. rape me.

"hey you okay princesa." the man asked me bending down to be face level with me. i nodded no and started crying. i was so scared. a another guy came outta the car. but he looked younger. like a teenager. "hey hey you don't need to cry." the older man pulled me in a hug. i cried into his shoulder.

"oscar lets take her to her home." the younger one said. "no no please i don't wanna go home." i said begging while still crying. "okay okay we won't take you home." the older and younger guy were talking about what to do with me.

"let's just take her to the house." the younger one said. "okay yea." the older one said. "hey cutie. you hungry." the younger one asked. i nodded. he nodded. he held out his hand for me to hold. i took his hand and we walked to the car.

we pulled up to in n out drive thru. they ordered food and we drove to a house. the front yard looked pretty raggedy. we walked into the house and it looked like a trap house.

"here come sit here." the younger boy told me. they put my food in front of me. i started eating a little to fast. but i was so hungry i haven't ate in like 2 days. "hey slow down , it's not going anywhere." the older guy said. "sorry." "you don't need to apologize."

i kept eating. there was a little bit of awkward silence. "so i'm cesar and this is my brother oscar." cesar told me. "i'm y/n." "that's a pretty name." "thank you." "so y/n can i ask you some question." oscar asked. "only if i can ask you some after." "sure" he giggled.

"so how old r u." "i'm 11." "where are you from." "here." "where are your parents." "my mom passed away when i was born and my dad is somewhere around." "who do you live with." "my dad." "why were at the park." "my dad kicked me out." "why." "idk he always does and then comes gets me again." both the brother gave each other a look.

"okay my turn." i said. they both smiled. "shoot." "how old are you two." "i'm 24." "i'm 15." i nodded. "where are your mom and dad." "not here at the moment." "are you going to make me go back home." "do you want to go back." "NO!" they were shocked by the way i said my answer. "okay we won't take you home." "promise." "promise." they both said at the same time. i held my pinky out. they both pinky swore.

we watched a movie for the rest of the night. i fell asleep. they put me in the guest bedroom. and went to bed.

i woke up in the middle of the night to a crash. i jumped outta bed. i went down the hall to the living room and my dad was standing there. "hey baby. you thought you could just run away from me and join a new gang. i don't think so." my dad said. he tried picking me up but i fought.

"let the girl go." oscar said with a gun pointed to my dad. my dad let go of me and pulled out his gun. i ran to cesar who was behind oscar and gave him a hug. i started balling my eyes.

"gimme the girl spooky." "she doesn't want you." "you don't know what she wants. you didn't raise her." "y/n you want to go back with him." "no." i stuttered. "i'm not leaving without her." "i think you are." right after oscar said that i heard sirens. oscar put his gun away and the cops were inside handcuffing my dad.

they arrested him. i watched him get thrown into the cop car. oscar made a report. they tried to talk to me but i didn't want to talk. oscar dealt with the police while cesar took me to his room and tried calming me down. i ended crying myself to sleep hugging him.

a couple weeks later was my dad's trial. me and oscar and cesar went. i gave my statement finally. my dad ended up going to jail and oscar had full custody over me.

i now live the best life i could ever ask for with oscar and cesar.

hope you enjoyed. send request.

requested by @Taylorjackson99

890 words

oscar diaz imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt