gang vs love

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||trigger warning||

i'm laying on my bed in pain. being jumped is not fun. but look at the bright side. i can keep my baby brother safe. i'm y/n , i just moved here from freeridge to get away from my parents. they were just abusing me and my brother diego and i couldn't take it. i called my cousin gabriel who told me he can get us outta there but their will be consequences. i didn't really know what that meant at the time but i knew i needed to leave.

my cousin is the leader of a gang called realeza. it's one of the gangs here in freeridge. he told me if i joined then he would keep me and my brother safe. i agreed but to be honest i don't really know what i got myself into.

me and my brother share a room in my cousins house. right now my 2 year old brother was snuggling against me holding his teddy bear. gosh the shit i do for this kid.

my cousin barged into my room. "get up losers." gabriel yelled. "shut the fuck up." i whispered pointing at my brother. gabriel cringed and apologized and told me we gonna have visitors soon and exited my room.

i slowly got up trying not to wake up diego. i threw on something and left my hair out and went to the living room.

 i threw on something and left my hair out and went to the living room

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

my cousin and his #2 guy carlos next to him were on the couch. across from them were 2 other guys. one of them was really hot. he had a black flannel and teardrop tat. they both had a cross on there neck that said santos.

my cousin notice me walk into the room. "patience , nice of you to join us , sit." my cousin said calling by my new gang name. i sat next to my cousin on the couch. the cholo with the teardrop tat could not stop staring at me since i walked in. i coughed to get him out of his trance.

"so spooky , what you wanna talk about." my cousin asked. "i want a truce." "a truce?" "and i want to take down the prophets but i need your help." my cousin started whispering to carlos. spooky kept staring at me again. i noticed him and he looked away.

the room went silent when there was crying coming from hallway. "excuse me." i said while walking to my room to see my brother crying. i picked him up and try calming him. he finally fell back to sleep.

"that's your kid." spooky said standing at my door frame. i gasped from his voice. "sorry didn't mean to scare you." he said. "it's okay and that's my little brother." i replied. he nodded. "he cute." "thanks."

"so when did you join because i haven't seen you here before and i think i would of remembered you." "i just joined yesterday." "really!!" i giggled "yea."

"spooky let's bounce." the guy who he came with says. "okay , i'll be in the car in a min." the guy nodded and left.

"so i was you want to go out later tonight." "ummmm idk if gabriel would be okay with that." "why is he like your boyfriend." "ewww no my cousin." "oh , well come on. it can be our little secret." "idk" he walked closer to me. "how bout we have a little secret date tonight at like 8. i'll park around the corner." i thought about it. "okay spooky i'll see you at 8." he smiled and kissed my cheek and walked out.

my cousin made me do gang stuff the whole day with him. his girlfriend jessica took care of diego. me and gabriel got home around 6. we walked in and diego and jessica were passed out on the couch watching a movie.

gabriel woke jessica up. i picked diego up and put him in our bed. i went into the kitchen to get some water. jessica told me that diego already ate and her gabriel are ordering pizza. i told her that i'm pretty tired so i was going to bed.

i walked into my room and changed.

i snuck out of my window and saw a red impala at the end of the street

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

i snuck out of my window and saw a red impala at the end of the street. i walked into the car and looked at oscar.

"hi." i said smiling. "hi princesa , te ves hermosa." he said with the same big smile. "gracias , so where are we going." i asked. "you'll see." he said while starting the car.

we drove to a in n out drive thru and got 2 burgers and milkshakes and we were back in the road. we started talking about ourselves a little bit on the way to our destination. "we're here." he said. i looked at the window and saw we were at the beach. we both got outta the car and sat in the hood and ate.

we started talking about him and how he got into the gang. he told me that he was basically born into the gang and was put in official when he 14. he also had a brother that was 15. he raised him all by himself basically. i guess that's something we have in common.

"so what about you." oscar ask me. i sighed. "you don't have to if your not comfortable." he reassured. "no it's okay , i'll tell you. i trust you." he smiled at my comment. "well i used to live with my parents in san diego. right after my brother was born they changed. they started beating me. i was so confused on why. they tried touching my brother but i always begged them to not touch him. so i just got it ten times worse. a few weeks ago i couldn't take it anymore so i called gabriel and he said i could stay here but i would have to join the gang. and now i'm here talking to you at the beach." oscar pulled me into a hug and whispered "i'm so sorry." "don't be you didn't do anything."

we finally let go of the hug. we stared at each other while letting go. oscar looked at my eyes then my lips. i went for it and closed the gap between us. we kissed very softly but rough at the same time. i felt so many feelings. they were so many butterflies. we broke the kiss to catch some air. we leaned on each other forehead staring at each other.

our moment was interrupted by his phone going off. he took his phone outta his pocket. "shit , it's my brother. we gonna have to cut this night short." he groaned. "it's fine , i had an amazing night." i said.

we both got off his hood of his car and got back in the car. he drove me back home. he pulled up at the end of my street.

"i had a good night with you tonight." oscar said. "me too , i think we should do it more often." i replied. he smiled and pulled me into a kiss. i pulled away. "goodnight spooky." i said while leaving the car. i walked to my house and climbed into my window.

wow i think i just fell for oscar diaz.

hi , sorry it's been so long since i updated. i've been busy with online school. but i'll try to update faster. also do y'all want a part 2.

i also wanted to say one of my favorite youtubers corey la barrie passed away on may 10 on his birthday. his "friend" was drunk driving and crashed and he didn't survive. please do not drink and drive. rest easy angel.


requested by @X_Kallibur

1287 words

oscar diaz imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें