dating a santo

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this is long so get some popcorn and enjoy.

y/n get up i don't have all day." my brother oscar said while throwing my blanket on the floor. i groaned and got up. i threw on an outfit and went to the kitchen.

  i sat down at the kitchen table eating a pop tart

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i sat down at the kitchen table eating a pop tart. a couple seconds later my older and twin brother came out of there rooms and ate breakfast. i was just playing on my phone not really paying attention. "are the guys coming over today." Cesar asked. "yea tonight." oscar responded. i started to grin. if the guys are coming over that means i can see Mateo. me and mateo have been dating for like 2 months. he is part of my brother gang. we sneak around because if both of my brothers found out they would kill him and then kill me.

"okay let's go , we're gonna be late." cesar told me. i nodded and kissed oscar on the cheek and picked up my backpack and walked to school with the gang.

skip a couple hours

i was walking out of my 3rd when i got snatched into a closet by someone. i yelp but my mouth was covered by my beautiful boyfriend. "it's just me baby." he told while chuckling quietly. "you scared the shit outta me." i said sighing. he pressed our lips together. we were so deep in the kiss we didn't even hear the bell ring. i finally let go so we catch our breathe. "i have a math test." i said groaning. "come on five more minutes." he begged. "i can't but maybe we can continue this tonight at my place." i said getting close to him. "i think that's a great idea." he told me. i pecked his lips and walked to class.

skip to after school

me and cesar we're walking home together. there were some santos already outside including our brother. we both greeted him and walked into the house and did our homework. "so you got a boyfriend." cesar asked me. i choked on my spit. "what? why?" i asked nervously. "oh no reason just that i saw you and mateo kissing in the schools closet." cesar said aggressively while walking up to me. "cesar please don't tell oscar. he's gonna kill us." i begged my twin brother. he was silent for a second. "does he treat you right." he asked. "of course." i responded fast. there was another pause. "do you really like him." "yes i do." cesar let out a sigh. "okay i won't tell oscar but sooner or later he has to find out." "well let pray for later."

me and cesar sat back down and went back at our homework. while working he was asking about me and mateo. we finished our work. he went to go hangout with the santos. i went in my room and played on my phone. my phone dinged when i was walking in my room.

hey bb , just pulled up wanna continue where we left off earlier.

hi!! i would love that ;)

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