"Maddison you hungry?" Key'onna said to our 7 year old daughter.

"No mommy" She shook her head.

"Ma I can explain" Emani sat at the counter who was now 9 years old. "I didn't mean to stab her she was just in the way"

"Okay E,I understand but next time stab someone when no one isn't looking, I don't need you out of school" Key'onna told her

"Don't listen to her, stab her wen you want" I looked at Emani.

Dimitri who was three walked into the kitchen with nothing on but a diaper, I shook my head and picked him up. "Why you dont got nothing on Lil man" I went upstairs to get him some clothes.

He had on a white shirt and some sweatpants with white socks, he ran down the stairs and fell. He started to cry and Emani ran over to him and helped him up.

And Santana who was 8 was sitting on the counter by E and Key, doing his homework from school.

"I love our kids" Key'onna mouth to me

"Of course"

"Emani what's wrong? You shouldn't be tired" Key'onna tapped her

"I couldn't sleep last night" she rubbed her eyes

"Why? You could've slept with us" I said

"I was scared to come in you guys room, there was noise coming from there"

key'onna cleared her throat. "Excuse me? What?"

"It sounded a lil like this" she started making moaning sounds and key'onna eyes got wide.

"No honey, don't make that sound" Key'onna said

"Mommy, im not done. You was like 'Ohhhhh right there dex"

Key'onna say me laughing and threw the glass cup at me. "Emani, don't say that ever again okay honey"

She nodded her head. "Okay mommy, now I want juice"

Emani did call Key her mom even when she knew she wasn't, Lurie wasn't a good parent to Emani at all, so when I tell her I killed her she won't really be as hurt, but im saving that for when she gets older.

"Ya'll come on" I grabbed my keys off the table. "Thanks Kai" I daped him up for watching Dimitri

"No problem nigga"

After the kids are done with their stuff me and Key'onna take them to the house so they can learn new things, when Dimitri get older we'll let our other kids teach him. All three of them caught on fast so this wasn't a hard task.

When we arrived at the house the kids jumped out the car and went inside, peope knew who they were, they knew that they weren't to be fucked with and if someone did they was gonna take them out, that was another way of them practicing for when they do jobs and make other people shit.

"Alright ya'll,we got someone for you" I brought them to the room where we usually kill people

There was man that was tied up, we untied him to see if they can get him tied up again and then kill him. The man charged at Santana, guessing because he was a boy, he punched Santana in the face but Santana got up and start hitting his ass back. The girls then snuck behind the man and started beating his ass, they were trying to hold him down but he was to strong, so Emani got a knife and cut his hands and legs, he couldn't get up then.

They all tried picking him up but he was too big so they just tied him up with him sitting on the chair, the Maddison shot him in the chest while Santana stabbed him in his eye and Emani cut off his private part, we was gon say something but we just let it happen.

Once he died Maddison ran up to us with his tongue."Daddy can I keep my art?"

"Put it in a plastic bag" I told her and she nodded

"Can I keep mine too?" Emani held his penis

"Fuck no, throw that shit away, you aint even supposed to be touching that" I mugged her

"But what if I wanted to give uncle Scooby a snack" She had puppy dog eyes

"Uncle Scooby don't eat that, give him the hand you cut off" I told her and she jumped and down before grabbing the guys hand and geting a plastic bag.

"We done our kids into us" Key'onna whispered

"That was the whole point idiot"

"Yea but I feel like they finna be worse than us, espically Emani"

"That's the point" I stared at her blankly. "We supposed to make them better killers than us, that's our job and we're doing it well" I smiled

It's coming to an end guys

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