prt.1 - Cherry chapstick

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I take a sip of my drink, is this what i do for a living? Going to school just to sit in the corner staring at Aimy?
i don't understand...
i stand up and throw away my empty coca cola bottle.

"Hey...?" Said a voice

I turned around shocked, i thought i was alone for a second. How? I don't know..Im in a room full of students enjoying their meal. The voice was Aimy, she was done talking to the populair girls and decited to walk my way.

"Uhh..h-hey Aimy..!" I stutterd

Im so stupid...Why does my body make me sound so sus?

"So i heard you were bisexual and..."

Oh gosh, how?! Why does god hate me?! I wonder if they told her that, i wonder if i look dumb stupid by the feeling of blood flowing thrue my body. Am i inlove? No, surely not. She's just a friend, thats all.

"I'd like to meet up with you after school, if that sounds good to you?"

AAGH!?!? OKAY NOW IM PANICING, WHAT AM I GOING TO SAY?! Okay..calm...I can't say no, that would be weird. But if i say yes people might think we did the nasty after school and that we are dating and, and, and...God, behave you nasty...

"Sure! Sounds gay- I MEAN GREAT! Haha-...."

God you nasty motherfucker you messed up already...

*Bell ringing*

I walk to my next class, its....Nature..? I dont know..the only thing i remember is her voice, her eyes, her lips...Aaaannd im gone...Daydreaming about my bestfriend again. Jeez im gay...But...Why am i thinking about her? I have other friends too and i dont simp for them either...i stumble my class in and sit in the most back seat, so i can daydream in peace. I slam my book on the table with a loud bang and take a seat on the chair.

Not even half way thrue the lesson i needed to urinate...I didnt get a single thing about this lesson, it was about...How animals comunicate? No...About how plants fuck?...Nah...Nevermind i cant remember. I put my hand in the air to sigh and get promision to go.

I stare at the door, Why do the female bathroom thingy's always have dresses on and long hair..? I dont get very comfertable with that so i push the door open. I look in the mirror above the sink, i look like a mess...i enter one of the stalls and lock it. Then i hear another door open...and close...i flush and unlock the stall. Its Aimy. she's staring at herself in the mirror, Putting on chapstick...I could see the reflection of the dark pink color of the cap...'new, cherry labello'

"Oh, hi!" Aimy said suprised.

'Hey...' i anwserd, dumbass...or in spanish, Pendejo...

I make my way to the sink without shaking, And do my thing. After drying my hands i made my way to the door...

"Wait-..." Aimy said

I turned around, and flinched becouse i didnt notice her face was inches away from my face.

"I-..." she stutterd "how do i tell you this as simple as possible..?"

She rested her hands on my hips and pulled me in. She bited my lip gentle and started to kiss me. My eyes were wide open, trying to process what was happening. I could taste the cherry chapstick on her soft lips.

She pulled me up by my thigh's and pushed me on the sink, making small me the same hight as her. With tiny kisses she made her way to my neck

"W-w....wait-..." i stutterd, "i think someones coming-..."

"Then you'll have to be quit~..." she cooed

I pushed her, jumped of and started washing my hands. As soon as the door opend i turned my head, it was my other friend. She smirked. That little sicko, i bet she heard everything.

"Did you hear-..." i almost stumbled on my words

"Yep, i will leave you two now-..." She smirked.


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