prt.3 - rainy nights (2/2)

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The movie was almost done and i opend Omegle. Aimy was a bit sleepy becouse she didnt drink anything, i blushed. I never thought i could get this far...her cute face leaning tired on my shoulder. I closed Omegle and picked her up, stumbled into her room and layed her on her bed. Suprisingly she opend her eyes and pulled me on her, rolled over so she would be on top of me. She brushed the hair out of my face.

"You're cute when you try to be top..~" she said.

I got red, that was kind of hot, i giggled.

"And you're to hot to kiss me" i smirked again

"Oh yeah?" She mumbled. Jackpot,
i made her blush.

She slided her finger on my lips, looking at the bottom girl under her. She got on her knees so i could get up.

"Truth or dare?" I smirked.

"Dare" she anwserd.

"Call alissa, tell her we are dating" i looked at her with a face "or are you too scared?"

"Me? Scared? Pfft! Your funny, bby" and with that she fished my phone out of my pocket. "But im doing it my way" and she put in the numbers.


"What do you want..? Its midnight go to sleep-..." Alissa said, she sounded tierd, but also like she just got fucked by an 58 year old man.

"Me and kim are dating..." Aimy stutterd.

"Fuck you..." and she hang up.

"Welp...I tried" she laughed.

Then we both started laughing and making jokes, but then she pinned me down again. What was strange becouse she had a serius face on now.

"Do you love me...i mean...more then friends..?" She stumbled

I mumbled, "maybe...Jerk..."

She started to kiss me. But not like the other time...She really went in, hard...i moaned and that gave her the time to explore me. We took breath and went for round 2. She slid her hand down my pants, massaging my thigh. I groaned. It felt amazing. It felt free. I wanted this...


The lightning gave us time to breath. I almost fainted, atleast i think...

"You'll have to deal with this if you want to be mine, kitten."

I got red, "this isnt all..." i said, i turned her over and started making a trail on her neck. I could tell she liked that, becouse she quitly groaned at her soft spots. Now keep in mind we were only 14, we didnt want to go any further then this. We got up, what was hard becouse i didnt want to leave her untouched, so i sat on her lap. We watched another movie and fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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