Bokuto Kotarō x Reader

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A friend of mine, Konoha, had set me up on a blind date with his other friend- Akaashi, I think his name was. Konoha mentioned that Akaashi might be bringing along someone too, but I figured it would make it less awkward for both of us in a 'group' setting. I walked into the agreed upon cafe that evening and ordered a drink before finding a cozy booth in the back to wait at. Not long after I sat down I was approached by two beautiful guys.

"Hi, you must be (Y/N)? I'm Akaashi Keiji and this is Bokuto Kotarō," the dark haired one introduced.

"Akaashiiii, I wanted to introduce myself," the spiky grey haired one whined. I couldn't help but giggle at the spectacle he was making. He heard my amusement and grinned at me, forgetting that he was upset at his companion. They sat down in the booth across from me and Bokuto immediately struck up conversation. I could tell that Akaashi was the quiet type and I wouldn't hear much from him. It's a shame, because I usually tend to like outgoing guys.

"So (Y/N) you go to Fukurodani then?" Bokuto asked.

"Yeah I'm a third year there, you guys too right? Konoha was saying something like that before."

"Yeah we are! What clubs are you in?"

"I've been in the (your hobby) club all three years," I smiled at Bokuto. Akaashi was still sitting back and listening to us talk, only nodding occasionally. I was definitely hitting it off with Bokuto and I didn't know how to bring Akaashi into the conversation seeing as how he was pretty content keeping his mouth closed.

"Woahhhh that sounds so cool! Ne, have you ever come to see the volleyball club play? Since you're friends with Konoha and all, I thought maybe.."

"I haven't, but I've heard you guys are good! Should I come to a game sometime?"

"YES! Akaashi's the setter and I'm the ace!" His voice boomed and he threw his head back, letting out a hearty laugh. It was so contagious that I couldn't help but laugh as well. We continued to talk about anything and everything, from his volleyball career to our favorite foods and music. We hadn't realized how late it had gotten until Akaashi cleared his throat.

"Ah, I think I should get going. You two can continue if you want," he gave a small smile. He didn't seem upset that our blind date didn't work out- in fact he almost seemed cheery as he stepped out of the booth and waved goodbye to us.

"Ne Bokuto, is he always that quiet?"

"Ah, he doesn't talk much outside of volleyball really. Don't take it to heart!"

"I could definitely tell," I laughed, "I still feel a little bad I only talked to you the whole time. I didn't mean to make him feel ignored!"

"Don't mind, he's just really not that interested in dating right now! He really came to get Konoha off his back, but I tagged along so he wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable," Bokuto flashed a grin at me. He really was handsome now that I took a better look at him- not that I thought he was unattractive before!

"Well I appreciate your company! I don't want to make you stay out so late though, what do you say we call it a night?"

"Aww, I don't mind.. I wanna hang out some more," he whined. I couldn't deny his puppy dog eyes so we agreed to go for a walk in the nearby park before heading home. He helped me slip into my jacket before opening the door for me. I giggled at his gentlemanly gestures, linking my arm in his as we left the cafe and stepped into the moonlight. The fact that I clicked so well with my blind date's friend was still weighing on my mind.

We walked around the park for a short while before stopping to sit on a bench. Our fingertips brushed together in the space between us so he took the dive and laced his fingers with mine. I looked over at him and smiled, a soft blush adorning my cheeks.

"How upset do you think Konoha would be if this turned into a date between us rather than me and Akaashi?" I grinned at Bokuto.

"I don't think I really care," Bokuto returned my grin, "So what do you say I take you out for our first date tomorrow?"

"I'd say yes!"

"HEY HEY HEY! Ahem, I mean.. sweet!"

And thus, Bokuto and I began dating thanks to a blind date between Akaashi and I.

This was quite bad and I sincerely apologize for that.. I felt the need to update this book but I'm running low on ideas! If you have any requests pleeeeease let me know! Also feel free to check out my other Haikyuu books :) Love ya's!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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