Sugawara Kōshi x Reader

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As requested by @mayumi_mitsuki
I went pretty fluffy this time for the sweet boy. Hope you enjoy friend!!

It was your turn to stay after school to clean the classroom. Your class rotated often, having 2 people take on different roles each week. This week, you were partnered with none other than Sugawara Kōshi. The two of you interacted a lot in class, but that was usually the extent of it. You would still consider yourselves to be friends nonetheless. However, you were really attracted to the male so you were pretty excited to get some alone time with him regardless of if it was just to clean. When the final bell rang and the other students filed out the two of you stayed.

"Looks like we're partners for the week, (Y/N)!" he smiled cheerily. You felt like you could die peacefully now.

You returned the smile and went to the closet to gather the cleaning supplies. "How do you want to divide the work?"

"Hmm, maybe you could work on sweeping and I could work on the chalkboards, and if you want we can switch each day?" he suggested. You agreed, but you would've agreed to anything that came out of his mouth honestly.

You got to work with the broom and he erased the chalkboards before spraying it down with the cleaner.

"Erm, (Y/N)? Would you mind helping me with this really quick?" He was trying to figure out why the spray bottle wasn't working.

"Oh, yeah sure!" You set the broom down and went over to assist him. There was something lodged in the nozzle, so you figured once that got out it would work again. However, when you dislodged it, the whole spray bottle exploded, soaking your white uniform shirt.

"Ahh, oh no-ummm...." Suga turned bright red.

You thought he was upset that he had sprayed the cleaner all over you, so you told him not to worry and that everything was okay.

A teacher heard all the commotion and came walking in to scold you. Suga quickly hugged you close to his front, hiding you from the teachers view. You blushed into his chest at the sudden close contact, and you could feel his toned chest beneath your hands.

"Sugawara, (L/N), what's going on in here? You should be done cleaning by now! I come in here just to see you're fooling around and not working," the teacher yelled.

"Oh sorry sensei, I was just hugging the girl I like. It's my fault, we'll get back to work right away!" Suga covered for you, not moving to let you go. You were confused by his actions but didn't say anything just yet. The teacher scolded you one more time and left the classroom before Suga finally let you go.

"Ah, sorry about that!" he chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"Why didn't you just tell him what happened with the cleaning spray?"

"Ummm.. oh this is embarrassing to say.. just look at your shirt," he blushed, doing everything he could to avoid looking at you. Confused, you looked down to see that the spray had soaked through your white uniform shirt and your bra clearly showed through.

You gasped and looked around for anything you could use to cover yourself with no such luck. You opted for ducking behind the teacher's desk.

"Suga! What do I do?"

Suga draped his uniform blazer over your shoulders. "This is my fault, I'm sorry (Y/N). You can wear that home if you'd like. I have practice after this, so just bring it to school tomorrow morning!"

You gave him a quick hug of thanks as he blushed again remembering the view he had earlier and how he hugged you in that state. He held it together pretty well though and you both finished your cleaning soon after.

He walked with you all the way to the gym before you departed out of the gates wearing his blazer still, waving and thanking him one more time. His teammates questioned why he was distracted during practice that day, but he just brushed it off as an 'off day.'

The next morning you gave him his blazer back, cleaned and folded. "Thank you again, Suga, you're my life saver!"

"Don't mention it, and you know.. I meant what I said back then."

"What are you talking about?"

"That I was hugging the girl I like."

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