Iwaizumi Haijime x Reader

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(N/n) stands for nick name!

You had always lived across the street from him, making you two lifelong best friends right from the get go. Your bedroom window was positioned almost perfectly in front of his, so as kids you used to communicate through colored codes. When one of you wanted to hang out, you'd put a green paper up in your window. Blue was when they felt sad, yellow was when parents wouldn't let you go out to play, and red was for emergencies and they needed your help right away.

You had stopped using the color codes somewhere in middle school, thinking you were too old for such a 'childish game.' Fast forward to your third year in high school, though, and you saw your best friend had put up a paper up in his window- wait, was that red?! What was going on with him?

You dropped your book bag and ran out the door to figure out why he had put up the code red signal for you to see. Without even knocking you went inside his home, knowing you were always welcomed and his parents wouldn't even be home from work yet.

"Haij what happened?!" You panted, busting into his room. He was laying facedown on his bed with his head buried in his pillows. You were really worried at this, he was always very strong emotionally.

Realizing he didn't want to talk, you went over to sit next to him on the bed and rub his back. He let out a silent sob as soon as your hand came in contact with him, almost immediately turning around to wrap you in a bear hug and bring you down to him. It didn't really surprise you because he had always been a hugger, so you murmured encouraging words to him until he had calmed down enough to talk.

"She broke up with me (n/n)," he sniffled, "and she said she only used me to get with Oikawa." Your heart dropped, Iwaizumi had always been wary of girls for this exact reason but he truly liked this girl so he let his guard down.

"Haij she didn't deserve you, I know it hurts right now but you're going to come out of this so much better and stronger. If she couldn't see how amazing and kind and handsome you are, she's blind." All you could do was soothe him with your words and hug him tightly, but all you wanted to do was ring that girl's neck.

"Thanks (n/n), I really don't know what I'd do without you." He refused to let you out of the hug until he pulled his emotions together, he hated being seen crying.

"Oh please, I'd be lost without you! I wasn't expecting to use our color codes again, I think I almost crapped my pants when I saw the red paper in your window," you caused him to laugh. He finally pulled away, his eyes still red and puffy but you wouldn't say anything to further embarrass him.

"Seriously though, thank you. Youre the only one I can always count on to not hang out with me for Shittykawa."

"Why would I ever want to hang out with that baka when I have you right here," you grinned. He put you into a headlock and gave you a knuckle noogie. This made you lose your balance though, and you fell into his lap kiiiiiinda headfirst. It would've looked very bad for any outside viewers, especially when he *ahem* twitched to life under you.

He let you go real fast once that happened and you sat up, clearing your throat. He covered his lower region with a pillow.

"It's probably just because of the breakup," you both said simultaneously trying to explain what the hell just happened. I mean, you didn't want to cross the line between friendship and more... right? Who cares if he's extremely ripped and super attractive with an actual decent personality to match? He's your best friend, nothing more and nothing less.

Neither of you could break eye contact, dragging out the awkwardness of the situation.

"Oh, fuck it!" He pulled you over to him, crashing your lips together. You couldn't resist reciprocating, tangling your fingers in each other's hair almost immediately. All worries were dissipated from your mind under his touch. He trailed his hands down to your hips and rested them there as you explored each other's mouths. After a while you broke free for air and he rested his forehead against yours, panting.

"Haij, is this a smart idea?"

"Probably not."

"Are we gonna keep going anyways?"



I feel like it is my civil duty to continue this... but idk 🤔

Haikyu!! x Reader One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora