Chapter 3

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[Luke's POV]

I wake up on Monday determined to apologize to Ashton. I really don't want him to hate me so if I don't do this now then we'll just grow further apart. I decide to talk to him after Biology class because I'm sure he won't want to talk to me in front of his friends at lunch. The only thing I'm worried about is that if I tell him I have feelings for him and he ends up being straight. I mean he's very feminine so I doubt it but who knows. Like normal me and Jacob, who is my only friend at this point, just sit in class and make jokes. Not even doing any of our work. I can tell the teacher is starting to get annoyed with us so I try to calm down a little bit. After a while we decide to actually have a normal conversation.
"So, where do you sit at lunch? I never see you around." He asks me with curiosity.
"I sit by myself at a table by the wall. People used to stare at me because I sit by myself but they kinda stopped staring as much so it's good."
"Next time they stare you should just tell them to fuck off." His comment caused us both to laugh and the whole class just stared at us and Jacob just yells to everyone "What are you looking at?!!" Causing me to laugh again and made me a little embarrassed. At lunch I noticed that no one stared at me anymore which made me happy and relieved. I'm eating my food when suddenly I see someone sit across from me at the table. I look up expecting to see Ashton's face but I'm surprised to find Jacob and it caused me to smile.
"Hey. Why are you over here?" I felt like he felt sorry for me and I didn't like it.
"I decided to eat lunch with my new friend today. And plus nobody deserves to be lonely at lunch so I'll be your new lunch buddy." The word lunch buddy caused us to both to breakout into laughter. Throughout our conversation I kept glancing over to Ashton's table to see if he looked upset or happy. He had a smile on his face but you could tell it was fake. I felt really bad because I had a feeling that I was the cause of his sadness. Jacob catches me looking over and he turns to see what I'm looking at.
"Who are you staring at? Is it your crush?" He said with a wink.
"Shut up. I guess you could say that but it's really complicated."
"You've only lived here for a week! How are there already complications?" He made a good point.
"Is it that Ashton guy?" My face froze and I blushed.
"No." I hesitated.
"Holy shit you're gay?! Why didn't you ever tell me this?" I covered his mouth to make sure no one heard.
"Shut up! I barely found out the first day I came here. I've been ignoring him and I feel bad. I'm going to try to apologize in fourth period but I'm afraid he won't accept my apology."
"Are you going to tell him you like him?" He asked seriously.
"No I want to wait a little bit. You know, get to know him first."
The bell rang and I had to go to Biology now. My heart sank as I walked to the class.

I walked in and sat in my seat. I glanced over to Ashton and saw him looking at his notebook with a sad expression on his face. I felt terrible for shutting him out and I can't help but feel like such an ass. He never once looked up during the class period. I know that can't be a good thing. When the bell rings he quickly walks out of the room and I grab my bag and chase after him down the hall.
"Ashton!" I yell for him. "Ashton!" I know he heard me but is trying to ignore it. Finally I catch up to him and he just looks at me and says "What?" With a blank expression on his face.
"Look im sorry I've been an ass this week. I know I didn't give you a chance to get to know each other and it was wrong of me to shut you out and it was very immature. I wish I could explain everything better but it's complicated."
"How is it complicated?" He asked the question that I dreaded most.
" Look can you please just forgive me? I really want to get to know you more and be your friend." I gave him a sad look.
He hesitated but finally answered "Fine, I guess we could be friends" a small smile appeared on his face causing me to smile too and blush a little. I give him a hug and I run to my next class. I'm so relieved to know that he wasn't mad at me anymore.

That night I get a follow request on Instagram and I check to see who it is. Sure enough it's exactly who I was hoping. Ashton. I accept the follow and I follow him back in return. He send me a dm with his number in it and he tells me to text him.
Luke: "Hey. Whatcha up to?"
Ashton: "Nothing much just listening to music. What about you?"
Luke: "I'm writing my report for English class. It sucks so bad."
Ashton: "lol so there are a few things I wanted to tell you about my myself before we become friends."
Luke: "Ok what is it?"
Ashton: "Well first, I come from a poor and abusive family so I have trust issues. And second, I'm gay." When I read that last part I about jumped. My biggest worry was just that. A worry! He is gay which means I have a chance! This made my night. I told him that I'm very acceptive of gays and I'm very trustworthy. He told me that he wanted me and Jacob to sit with him and his friends at lunch tomorrow. I said yes because I mean why would I say no? This is the best way to get close to him.

Finding Luke [A Lashton Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora