Chapter 2

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[Luke's POV]

It's my first day of school and my heart is pounding. I am terrified of being judged. I don't want to be seen as that kid that sits by himself at lunch and has no friends. I go to my first two classes and no one bothers to say hi to me, they just give me weird looks. Great, this first day is going perfect so far. I walk into my third period class and thankfully it's different. The teacher introduces me to the class even though no one is paying any attention and tells me to sit in the empty chair in the middle of the class. The guy next to me just keeps staring at me and it's kind of creepy to be honest. Finally he says to me
"Hey! My name is Jacob, what's your name?" It caught me off guard a little. "Huh? Oh Luke. Luke Hemmings." I gave a small smile and he just continued to talk to me.
"So you came from Australia I heard? Why did you decide to move to America?"
"My parents forced me too. At first I didn't want to move but now I just learned to deal with it." I didn't feel like going into detail especially because I didn't know the guy.
"Oh well that's cool! I love your accent! I wish I had something cool like that so I could get a date."
I just laughed and then the bell rang for class to end. I had lunch after third period and since I didn't have any friends I decided to just sit in the empty table by myself. I can see people staring at me like I'm some alien but I just choose to ignore it. This is basically my routine for the whole first week of school.

After lunch I go to my fourth period. I'm late because I got a little lost on the way there. I walk in and the first I see when I look up is a boy on the other side of the class staring at me. It was strange though because he wasn't staring me like I'm a freak,like most people were, he had a different look in his eyes. I was sat across the class from him but every time I looked up I would catch him looking at me and he would quickly look away causing him to blush. I found him really fascinating but I don't know why. He was actually pretty cute. (Ew I can't believe I just said that. Remember Luke, you like girls.) I would purposely try to catch him looking at me cuz it was funny to see him try to play it off. It was like a game.

When the bell rang he quickly got up and ran into the halls. I slowly walked out of the class and there he was standing against the wall. I quickly tried to walk in the other direction but he noticed me and ran to catch up with me.
"Hey! I'm Ashton! It's nice to meet you." He quickly grabbed me hand to shake it and I just stared at our hands.
"Hi, my name is L-"
"Luke. I know I heard you talking to the teacher. Look I wanted to apologize for me staring at you in class. I know you noticed me a few times and I don't want you to think I'm weird so I wanted to set things straight."
"No don't worry about it. I thought it was funny." I let out a small laugh causing him to go red.
"Ok well I'll see you around!" He said trying to hide his red face.
"Ok bye."
I watched him walk away and sadness filled me. I don't know why but when he was walking with me I got a warm feeling inside. I begin to think back to what my mom said to me in the car while we were driving to the airport. Maybe I am gay. Maybe I do have feelings for Ashton. Oh god why do I have to have these thoughts?!

After school ended I walked straight home and ran to my room. I slammed the door on accident and my mom rushes in.
"Honey what's the matter? Was school ok?" She had a worried expression on her face.
"Ya it was fine. Just really long." I lied. I felt bad lying to her but there was no way I could tell her about Ashton.
"Ok honey. If there is anything you want to talk about you know I'm here." She made a face showing that she knew I was lying. I gave her a small smile as she closed my door. I never went downstairs for dinner. I just wanted to be by myself for a while. I woke up the next morning and went throughout my day as normal. In third period Jacob talked about his interests and told me some funny stories. Yesterday I found him kind of annoying but now that I'm getting to know him more I realize that he is actually really cool. We just laughed and joked around until the class ended.

At lunch I decided to eat by myself again. And just like yesterday, people continue to just stare at me. Why do they just stare? They know I'm a human but they still treat me like an alien or something. I hate it so much. I look around the cafeteria and suddenly I spot a familiar face. I spot Ashton sitting two tables down from him. He is sitting with two other guys. One looks like he's probably Asian and the other guy looks like a freak because he has bright green hair. But who am I to judge, people are staring at me like I'm a freak but they treat him like a normal human. I don't understand anyone at this school. I stare at my food for the rest of lunch because I'm afraid that I'll make eye contact with him and then he would come over to talk to me and that's the last thing I need right now. I'd rather just go unseen.

Once the bell rings I'm forced to go to Biology class which means Ashton staring at me. I walk in and go straight to my seat without looking at Ashton. I just sit throughout the whole class looking at my notebook. I knew he was looking at me because I could feel his eyes but I refused to look at him. I knew that if I looked into his eyes I would be hypnotized and it would be obvious that I've had thoughts about him. When the bell rings I jumped up and walked straight out and practically ran to my next class. Thankfully he didn't follow me. I feel bad for ignoring him but I'm just really afraid that I'll do something stupid. I continued to ignore him on Thursday and Friday.

That night I couldn't help but think about this whole Ashton situation. I just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I knew that the way I was treating Ashton was wrong and immature. I decided to talk to my mom about it. She doesn't know that I have these thoughts about boys now but I feel like she is the best choice to talk to because she has always supported me.

I waited for my dad to leave the house to go to the grocery store and I walked downstairs and found my mother on the couch.
"Well look who it is! You finally decide to come out of your cave!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"Mom, I wanted to talk to you about something. It's important."
"Sure what is it honey?" Her face went serious very fast.
" Well I met a new kid I'm my biology class and I think I might be starting to have feelings for them. I've been ignoring them all week but I know that's wrong. What should I do?" I didn't mention that it was a guy but I knew I would have to soon.
" Well if you like them then just tell them! There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm sure she'll be flattered." She smiled a little bit.
"That's the problem." I looked down at my socks.
"What's the problem?" She asked.
"It's actually a... A guy." Her face froze but then she pulled me into a hug. I wasn't expecting her to react this way. I was a little scared by it.
"Oh honey you shouldn't be afraid of being gay. You are allowed to love who you want and it's no ones place to judge you." I smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks mom. So what should I do now?"
"You need to talk to him. You never know, he might like you back." She gave me a wink and kissed my forehead before getting up and walking to her room. I smiled and went back to my room and went to sleep. I didn't do anything over the weekend because I have no friends to hang out with. Sunday night comes and I get the butterflies just thinking about Ashton. Tomorrow I know I need to make things right and hopefully get closer to him. If I have feelings for him then I was ready to admit it. I didn't want to hide my sexuality or deny it any longer.

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