The end

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Sorry everyone but every time I'm almost done with the chapter, I go to finish it and my whole chapter gets deleted. I've tried many times and now I'm just going to give up. I'm so sorry for those of you that enjoyed reading my story. I never expected it to reach 100 so thank you guys so much! Basically I'll tell you how the story was going to go. After a while Luke ends up being friends with Jacob again and he starts falling for him. After a few months of feeling this way he breaks up with Ashton to be with Jacob leaving Ashton heartbroken. Graduation has come and after high school is over, Luke doesn't see much of Ashton because he moved to New York to go to college. Luke and Jacob date for about a month or two but Jacob can see the look in Luke's eyes that show how much he misses Ashton. Jacob tells Luke to go after Ashton and that they will always remain best friends. Luke decides to go to New York and when he gets there he has no idea how to find Ashton. He decides to call one of Ashton's friends from high school to ask where Ashton lives and after the friend cusses him out, he decides to give Luke the address. He runs there as fast as possible and when he gets there he can see Ashton in the window of his apartment. He stands there for a little bit until Ashton notices him. Ashton walks outside and Luke runs towards him and wraps his arms around him. He tells Ashton how sorry he was and that he truly loves him. After a few seconds of Ashton not believing it, he eventually forgives Luke and they begin kissing passionately. Luke ends up living with Ashton in the apartment and decides to get a job in the big city.

So that's it for this story (summed up) Im so sorry I didn't get to continue it like I wanted but thank you guys so much for supporting me! <3 :)

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