Part 8

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*Draco's POV*

Father is in his room along with mother. This is the perfect time. Right now. It's now or never, I guess.

I walk into fathers and mothers room. They are having a serious conversation and don't see me coming in.

"He is going to eventually. He loves her. Just look at the way he looks at her." Says mom.

"I know. But I will not tolerate having a mud blood as a part of the family. Plus, The Dark Lord won't let her-" Begins dad, but stops because he's interrupted by my sneeze.

Who are they talking about? Hermione? The Dark Lord won't let her live too...what? Live?

But she's a death eater. He will. He has to.

"Yes Draco," Father asks.

"I want to tell you something. I want to Marry Hermione. She could die because of the missions of He-Who-Must-Not-be-named. If she dies, I want her die knowing that I love her" I say without looking at my parents faces.

"You are very young, Draco. But it is your life. Do as you shall" Fathers says and stomps out of the room in anger, I suppose.

Mother was crying, on the other hand.

"Oh my, My little Draco is in love. Awh, I will cherish this moment for ever. Come her Draco, give me a kiss" Mother said, pulling me towards her and kissing me.

"Alright let's go get a ring," Said mom reapplying her lipstick.

"I've already bought it. And I'm going to propose now, while she's out by the pool, I want to be alone-, please" I add quickly.

Mom nods in approval, gives me a hug and wishes me luck.


I have the ring, I'm wearing my best suit. It's go time.

Hermione is now in the pool. What am I going to do?

I walk over there, and get in the pool with her.

"Draco, what are you doing? Your suit is getting ruined" Hermione sighed, concern on her face.

"Shh-" I say as I bend down on one knee, thanking God for the privacy.

"Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?"

She makes a face, still thinking but before she can answer, the surrounding changes.

With the blink of an eye, we're standing an a garden with all the death eaters in suits. I look at my clothing and see me dressed in a more classy suit and Hermione in a wedding gown.


The Dark Lord comes up to us, wearing a suit.

"The Death Eaters and I couldn't wait until Granger said yes, so now I welcome you to your wedding. Draco! Pick your best man!"

"You the Dark Lord" I answer shaking, I know he wanted him to be it. Or he'd kill me.

"Very good, now Granger, pick 2 Bridesmaids" He orders.

"Uhh- I th-think, Mrs. Ma-Malfo-oy and B-B-Bellatrix" Hermione whispers shivering even though its quite warm out here.

"Snape, get them married. I have your ring Draco"

*Hermiones POV*

I'm standing here on my wedding day, my friends and family far away. I don't want to marry Draco.

"Do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Hermione Jean Granger, to love and to hold, through sickness and through health?" Asks Snape.

I think I'll refuse. I don't want to get married.

"I do" Says Draco.

"And do you Hermione?"

"DO IT. SAY YES OR YOU'll DIE" Comes the Dark Lords whisper in my head.

"I do" I respond.

"VERY GOOD" says Voldemort.

"You may kiss the bride" Snape instructs Draco. He leans in and kisses me.

The whole crowd, that consists of only Death Eaters, hoot like animals.

This is it. I am married and now I belong to Draco and the Dark Lord. I am sure Draco thinks I did this because I love him. But I didn't.

I don't love Draco anymore, I love Ron. I'm sure I do.


Thanks for reading(: there's a couple of more chapters to go. Maybe 6-7?

Vote please c:

-Maha. .

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