Part 6

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*No Specific PoV*

Hermione awoke on table that was extremely long. It seemed like it was stretched by magic. She couldn't quite move.

"You must all be wondering why I have put all of us in the presence of a mud blood, during a very important meeting. Well the answer is, she will now be a death eater. Granger, isn't it? Yes. Granger is of great use to us, for the very reason Severus is a great use to us.

They will both be spies for us. That way Potter will be withing my grasp before you can count all the murders I have committed. So, Granger. Today your boyfriend will become a man. And you will become a wizard. How exciting! Shall we begin with the ceremony?" Voldemort spoke with his snake like voice.

Every word, no scratch that, every syllable he spoke seemed like a drop of freezing water going through your skin and freezing your heart.

Everyone got up from the table, trying their best not to drag their chairs as they did so. Once Hermione had read that during one of these meetings, a new death eater named Ellen had dragged her chair shamelessly. The result? She died. And became dinner for Voldemorts snake.

I couldn't get up. I was frozen. My chair automatically started moving and took me seated on it, to right infront of the fire place. Almost as suddenly as last time, the chair spun around so that I now had my back towards the fire. Suddenly Draco came right next to me, on a chair.

"Well, Draco first you" said Voldemort with boredom in his voice. "Granger! You shall call me the Dark Lord and the Dark Lord only! Voldemort is not what my servants call me! Now let's begin. Draco come forward. And do not attempt to run, or else I'll kill your mother" Volde- no The Dark Lord hissed.

Draco slowly walked forward. He held out his left hand and The Dark Lord whispered "Morsmorde". Suddenly Draco screamed so loud, you could have mistaken it for a girl. Then within a second, he crumpled on the floor in deep sleep.

Without warning my chair suddenly started moving. The chair took me till right in front of the Dark Lord then it stopped. Without warning I was pushed out of the chair and onto the ground. I quickly got up and started shaking violently.

"There's no need to be scared Granger" The Dark Lord yelled at me. I quickly gave him my left arm. He looked at it for a bit and then I heard "Morsmorde" I looked down on my arm to see a skull and a snake forming - the dark mark. The pain was beyond describing.

I wished I would just crumple on the floor as well and faint but that wasn't going to happen.

The pain was excruciating. It was like getting a tattoo but a billion times worse. I now realized that this is me. I'm a death eater. I can not chose to deny it. I have to be a death eater. The only way to not be a death eater is to kill him. And I shall.

"Rise Draco" hissed Voldemort. Suddenly Draco came back to consciousness. "Very good. Tomorrow you both shall attend the meeting. And you Granger, shall not tell anyone about this, nor will you stop your friendship between yourself and Potter".

Suddenly I felt like I was dying I collapsed on the floor with darkness overcoming me. First I lost my sense of seeing, and then hearing.


A/N: :D hahaha idk why I'm laughing.

So this story...yea I hope you like it so far^_^. Vote?

For those of you wanting a clue of what's to come Ill give it to you. For those of you who don't want a clue, stop reading and vote:D

Clue: it's going to be a lot like the most famos love story we know of;D that's it. Nowwww go and vote:P

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