Part...I forgot. 5?

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HP Ch4

*Hermoine's POV*

"I have got to face my fears instead of thinking it was a lie" I finish as I break down into sobs again. I hear the door opening and as I look up I see Ginny running away somewhere. I have to go follow her.

Ginny exits the Gryffindor Common room and so do I quietly but fast so I could keep up with her. I don't want her to know that im following her. She starts to sprint really fast now saying something now and then, Something I don't quite understand.

We pass the great hall and now we are at the huge doors to the grounds. I see Ginny open the doors and run out. She doesn't go too far. I don't know what she's trying to do. I need to talk to her. It's not her battle it's mine. It's not her life it's mine!!

Ginny finds a patch of thick snow and burries her face in it. What does she think she's doing? She'll get Hypothermia!! I start to run out to her butI see her lifting her head again. But Oh Gosh, it's not Ginny, it''s...Draco.

Was he using the Polyjuice Potion? I start to turn back but I see him looking at me. Sorrow and regret fills his eyes. His infuriated face softens up completely. He walks over to me. I want to leave. I told him a lot of things thinking he was Ginny. That was manipulation. I need to leave but I can't. I want to hear him out.

He approaches me carefully and slowly, as he comes forward I start to realize how handsome he is. I've always known that but somehow right now, Draco looks so cute. Stop it- i mentally scold myself. He lied to me. A lot.

My hands will fall off any minute now because its so freezing!

He comes slowly and puts his lips on mine.

For a minute I don't know whether to kiss back or not but the kiss is so perfect, it feels so right. It feels like two puzzles joining. Like a key and a lock basically.

The kiss depeens and becomes more and more passionate. We kiss like there's no tomorrow only to be interrupted by Percy as he comes from the quidditch field.

"Ahemm" he fake-clears his throat as he heads inside.

As we both break the kiss, we both blush. He's so cute when he blushes. I can't believe I kissed him and liked it after all he's don't to me.

Oh my God, I just remembered that Snape made me drink my truth potion in class this morning to make sure it works. I think it might have been transferred to Draco a bit since I really think some of it was still on my lips.

"Hermoine listen to me carefully before saying anything" he begins, his cheeks still red "The person who broke up with you wasn't me, it was father. You weren't dreaming when you thought you saw me-" he said whilst making inverted commas in the air "it was actually father. That's why you saw what you thought to be me growing longer and growing long hair. He didn't like that I'm dating a muggleborn. I told him that I like you but obviously, him being Lucius Malfoy, he wouldn't listen to me a bit. So please, please, please, I beg you, be my girl friend again" He finishes panting, out of breath.

Wow I really didn't think about the posibility of it actually bring Mr. Malfoy. I dont know. I guess I should forgive him because he didn't do anything. I believe him because he has the truth potion on him. I do too. Which means I'm going to say the truth. Uh-oh.

"Yes" I say with a smile unable to control myself "But just so you know I kind of hate your father for doing that because it was cruel and I really don't like it"

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. What if Draco gets angry at me for saying this? I wait for him to yell at me instead, he just smiles.

"You know what 'moine? Tomorrow winter break starts and im going home. You mentioned that you'd be staying here well why don't you come with me. We'll surprise father. He won't be able to kick you out now would he?"

Yes I'd really like to go to his house. But I just hope his father turns out nice.

A/N chapter 4!! Yayy:) thanks for all the reads:P no fixed dates for updates but I'll try to make them more often(: did you like this chapter? Please get your friends to read this story too:D I've written a 1D fanfic as well so don't forget to check that out:)

-Maha Anne xoxo

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