Part 3

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**Dracos POV**

  "And you're positive that Dumbledore signed this" Snape questioned me not bothering to hide the suspicion in his voice.  "Yes sir" I replied nervously hoping he would buy it.  "Very well" he replied narrowing his eyes at me.

"You may take it, but remember that I'm very skilled in the art of Legilimency, or so I have been told. Now take this bottle and remove your presence from my office". He handed me the bottle and I quickly shuffled out of the room. 

  What is Legilimen-? Or whatever it's called. Snape said its an art, which means snape draws and is an artist? What? Snape and drawing plus painting is as wrong as Snape in love. Whatever. Now I have got to find Ginny Weasley so I can get a hair of hers. 

  Lucky for me, I had secretly taken a hair from Snape's cloak which belongs to him obviously because it's black, and greasy plus short.  Now I could pretend to be him. Father always said I'm great at impressions which will be usefull since I'll still have my own voice not Snapes.

 I quickly ran into a bathroom stall and took out the bottle containing the poly juice potion. I took my wand out and whispered "Accio Glass". A glass came whizzing into the stall. I quickly poured in the juice and added Snape's hair in it. Then I forcefully drank the foul tasting liquid.    After a couple of minutes of growing both upward and sideways, I turned into Snape. Excellent. Now to find Ginny Weasley.

    I walk over to the Great Hall and spot Ginny sitting there. I go towards her slowly. "Ginerva Weasley, follow me right away" I speak, trying to sound as much as I could like Snape.

    She got up nervously and followed me probably very nervously. I led her into an empty classroom. "We have gotten complaints that you are cheating on tests. This is unacceptable. I will need a few of your hairs, a finger nail, and some spit to determine weather our source was correct or not" I lied smoothly as I handed her a couple of bottles

. She nervously put the ingredients in it and handed it back to me.    "Very well, now you must stay in this room quietly while I find out the truth" Saying this I leave quietly, locking the door behind me, and run into the bathroom once again to repeat the procedure. Once I've turned into Ginny, I run to the Gryffindor Common room.

    Ugh this foul red hair keeps getting in my face.

    I don't know the password but since people are done with dinner and are going back to their dormitories, I can hide and spy.

    I wait and wait. 10 minutes later I see Longbottom approaching the fat lady's portrait. I run over to him in a girly way and give him a quick hug just to sort of seduce him. He blushes. That was easy I think with a smirk.    He mumbles the password to the fat lady "slytherins suck". Obviously. Thanks to a bit of research I did a couple of days ago I now know where the Girls Dormitories are.

 I quickly run up there not wanting to waste another moment since the potion will wear off in 45 minutes.    Hermoine is sitting on her bed sobbing, so I go and sit next to her and place a comforting hand on her arm. She looks up at me and embraces Ginny/ me in a hug. I take out a piece of parchment and write her a note that says :  

                  Lost my voice. Can't speak. I want to know the details of what Draco did to you. I'm here to comfort you xx. 

  I hand it to her. She reads it thoroughly once or twice then takes the quill and ink from me. She starts to write something but then confusion shows up in her eyes. 

  Hermoine puts the parchment and quill down and looks up and says "I have my voice I can speak I don't have to write. Well what happened is that Draco and a couple of the Slytherins were standing there. I wanted to speak to Draco, about I don't know what, when he said he wanted break up with me and he said it was all a stunt. He walked away but then started running. My mind was so shocked that I hallucinated him turning taller and his hair growing longer. Oh and he sounded so much like his father. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have got to face my fears instead of thinking it was a lie" Hermoine finished and started crying again. 

  FATHER. He is the one. I should have known. I ran out of the room and then out of the Gryffindor Dormitory and ran into the Hogwarts Grounds where I shoved my head into the snow.    My father is not getting away with this. EVER!! 

  *A/N okay so I re-read the whole story and found many mistakes so this chapter has been proofread a billion times and I wrote this on my iPhone so I don't think there will be any huge mistakes:) woo 97 reads^_^ please promote this story. 

  Also I've written a one direction fan-fic, I'm working on it. Chapter 1 of the 1D fan fic has been posted so please check it out:) I need you guys to please promote my stories:* <333 I love you all:D Keep voting:)

-Maha Anne xoxo

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