Part 5:>P

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*Hermoine's POV*

"But I don't get why!?" Yelled Ron a bit too loudly causing people in the surrounding compartments to look out for the source of the chaos

"Because Ronald, I am going to his house for 2 weeks and I have decided that I am going to sit with him. I have made up my mind on that. I don't want more drama right now. His father doesn't even like me" I yelled back, my voice shaking.

"If his father doesnt like you that much then why are you going? Come stay at my house like Harry, where everyone likes you. Are you going to his house so you could get expensive gifts from Draco on christmas?" questioned Ron, now red with fury.

"For heavens sake I have all the money I need. Harry, please get some brains into your friend" I told Harry, tears threatening to spill down my unto my cheeks. I turned around and walked over to the compartment me and Draco are sharing for today's trip.

I walk in there, blinking fast trying to hide my tears from him, but he notices. "What happened" he asks handing me a chocolate frog. I just shrug in response, not wanting to create trouble between Draco and Ron.

"Here" says Draco, handing me another chocolate frog since the first one didnt have a card in it. I get a Dumblefore card. I'm glad I did.


"Hermoine we've stopped. Wake up" says Draco gently in my ears. I sit up abruptly realizing I was leaning on Dracos shoulder. awkward. "Come on let's go get our coats, it'll be freezing out there. It's snowing really heavily" I say gettin up from my seat.

"Okay Hermoine, just rememer that my father will try to be mean and rude with you and that's not the image of him I want stuck in your head so please just ignore him. Try not to get him to deep in your thoughts. Mom would be happy to have you over, I'm sure". Draco tells me reassuringly.

He quietly closes the compartment door again and leans in closer to my face. Our lips meet and we kiss. At first I don't kiss back but then I realize that we might not get a chance all the time at his house so I start kissin back.

We kiss for several minutes before Ron knocks on the door in fury "Oi! Keep your dirty self away from her"

Draco knows I wouldn't want drama so he just shoots him one word "Moron".

As we leave the train, we immediately see Mr and Mrs. Malfoy.

Mrs.Malfoy looks shocked at first to see me emerging with Draco and coming their way but then she smiles a warm and pleasant, welcoming smile. Her husband, on the other hand scowls at me like he does to Harry.

"You're joining us for Christmas are you Hermoine dear? That would be just wonderfull. Someone to share that over-necessary giant house of ours. Ok so we'll get there by apparition, Lucius and Hermione. Draco and Me," she grabbed Dracos hand and whizzed of into thin air leaving behind the echo of the crack noise apparition always makes.

Mr Malfoy abruptly and sharply grabs my hand and speaks "Malfoy Manor" as we also vanish into thin air from The Hogwarts express platform.

We land softly in the middle of the living room. Dracos father does not lossen his grip on my arm.

"Well listen now mud blood and listen real good" Mr. Malfoy sneers. "We do not want to have the breed of filthy disgusting cheap muggles in the house and you are not at all welcome here at least not by me. You think you can outrun purebloods. Do you think you can be smarter then us?"

"I didn't say that" I say, scared and in a whisper.

" I know you didn't. You're a liar. You wouldn't do anything if your parents were to die right now"

"I most definately would" I say, anger boiling up in me.

"Your parents are muggles. They made you. For that they should die. You are trying to get Draco to your side aren't you filthy muggle. I bet you don't give a damn about family. What would you sacrifice for that bloody family of yours? Would you become a death-eater if you had to?" He screamed at me, now red faced.

"YES I MOST DEFINATELY WOULD MR MALFOY" I scream back, aggravated. The second the words escape my lips I realize I had said something bad. Something too horrible to think about without feeling thoroughly ashamed.

"Very good, Lucius. You fulfilled your my request. You shall be rewarded, Draco is free to live" comes a slithering type of voice from the entrance.

I look back to the enterabce of the room, and see Voldemort coming in with Nagini.

"Tonight, there will be a new death eater at the meeting, Lucius. And for the first time, it's a mud blood" hearing those words, I loose my senses slowly.

Oh no, I can't faint. Not now, God knows what Voldemort might do to my unconscious body.

A/N: so uhh this is late:( EXAMS!:P plus I'm going on vacation for a while so no updates for a bit:) I don't remember if this chapter is editted. Thanks for reading:) next update when 5 people like or vote this story:D

EEP my birthdays on the 20th:D so exited!

-Maha Anne xoxo

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