New English Teacher. Hot: Check. Arrogant: Double Check. A Vampire: What?? /8/

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes, even though I knew he was right. I shouldn't be growing close to her. Melinda is simply a promise that I must keep, a duty to fulfill. "Stop it Nick, it's not like that. I'm just trying to watch out for her."

I could hear him scowl. "Please. Caleb you're smarter than this. Do NOT fall for this girl. Jace wants her, and you'll get stuck in the crossfire. I refuse to watch my best friend get killed over some human."

My grip on the phone tightened. "She's not just some human, Nicholas. And I refuse to just hand her over to Jace on a silver platter. Now you can either help me out and be a friend, or keep your mouth shut and stay the hell out of it. The choice is entirely yours." I finished, my teeth gritted.

Another long pause emerged between us. "Alright man, calm down. I'll be there before sunrise. See you then." The line went dead, as I let out a long sigh. Slamming the phone down, I exhaled deeply.


Jace is going to be looking for her. I promised Edward I would protect her. He was such an honest man. He just wanted to make his wife and child happy. And Edward was so kind to me. I intend to keep my word.

For some strange reason, I feel some connection with her. I don't know how to explain it, but I know it's my job to protect her. And that's what I will do. I refuse to let Jace take her like some animal.

From the moment I saw her, I could understand why they make such a fuss over her. She was absolutely stunning. Headstrong yes, and a fiery attitude to match, That was very evident.

Just the way I saw her handle that asshole of an ex-boyfriend Cameron of hers. She doesn't seem to be easily intimidated. That's something I admire in a woman. She isn't frightened easily. Though I thought she was going to die when I told her what I was.

I knew she wasn't going to believe me, and yet I was foolish enough to give her space. And what did that lead to? Damon attacking her that's what. And it was my fault it even happened.

He...bit her. Tasted her. And I know for a fact he's going to want more. He's foolish enough to try it. But if Jace ever found out what he did, Damon would be dead in an instant. Damon is just like Jace's little pawn. It's quite pathetic.

I remember when my life was like that. I'm just glad I came to my senses. I'm not going to bow down to that man anymore. I will gladly rip out his heart in order to protect Melinda. Even if that means me laying down my life for her.

Shaking my head, I moved upstairs towards my room, but I stopped. I stared at Melinda's door, and against my better judgment I stepped inside silently.

She was lying on her back, eyes closed, as her chest gently moved up and down. Slowly I took another step towards her, as I studied her.

Her ginger hair fell softly over her shoulders, and her rosy cheeks looked even more...well, rosy. Her ruby lips looked awfully nice. I didn't even realize I had extended my hand out towards her.

When I felt her silky hair brush against my fingertips, I blinked a few times. Quickly I pulled my arm away, upset at my own stupidity.

I cannot get involved with her. No, that would be wrong. She's just an innocent human, and I a vampire. I may not have chosen this life for myself, but regardless of that it is what I've been given.

It would be wrong of me to try anything. I shouldn't. I can't.

Without a sound I disappeared out of her room, and straight into my own. I can't afford to make another mistake like that. I just need to distance myself from her, for everyone's sake. I can't make another mistake.

Even if I want to.



"I don't care Caleb you're acting like a fool right now! You know I'm right!" I heard an unfamiliar voice exclaim. My eyes felt far too heavy to open up.

"Nick I don't care. You came here to help me, and that's what I expect you to do. If not, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out." That was definitely Caleb's voice.

Who was he talking to? And who is this Nick guy? Is he here to help us out?

I yawned a few times, and that's when the voices became muffled. Slowly I stood up, as I creaked my bedroom door open. It sounded like it was coming from downstairs. Stretching, I descended down the stairs, but stopped once I grew nearer to them.

I peaked around the corner, but could only see Caleb. I saw a silhouette of a man, but didn't look long enough. "No I do not! I already told you why I'm doing this. You know why Nick." Caleb sounded agitated.

"I think you might just be in it because the girl is a nice piece of ass and you...." The stair I was standing on creaked, and in an instant they both stopped talking, and snapped their heads in my direction.

I let out a small sigh. Clearing my throat, I finished walking down the rest of the stairs, and faced them. "Hey." I said slowly, as I rounded the corner.

Caleb was dressed in a dark t-shirt and jeans, and well, looked extremely handsome. I stared at the man who was standing next to him. A very attractive man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes was staring intently at me. He had a bit of a scruffy beard forming as well.

He was a little taller than Caleb, and looked very fit. "Melinda. You're up." Caleb began, as he shuffled. "This is my friend Nick. Nick, this is Melinda." (Nick is pictured on the right.)

For a second he didn't say anything, just continued to study me. It made me uncomfortable, so I cleared my throat. "Is he slow or something?" I questioned, as I waved my hand in front of his face. "Or just stupid?"

Caleb burst into laughter, as Nick scowled. "Aren't you just a sweet thing? No darlin' I'm not slow, not in any way." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. "No, I was just seeing what all the fuss was about. I see it's you."

I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, and raised an eyebrow. "So I take it you're a vampire too?" I said, as I moved closer towards them.

Nick nodded. "Ah, you're a smart one aren't you?" I narrowed my eyes as he chuckled. "Of course. Caleb and I go way back." He stated with a smirk.

Caleb coughed awkwardly. "Yes, well I need you to stay here with Nick while I go meet with someone. You can trust him I assure you. He may be an ass, but he'll certainly take care of yours."

Nick smirked once more. "Hell yeah I will." I made a face, and Caleb rolled his eyes. "Kidding man, chill."

"Look, I'll be back shortly. There is a duffel bag full of your things in my room. Feel free to shower and change. I'll try not to be late. Behave." He said, as he moved towards his front door.

I scowled. "I'm not a child Caleb, so don't treat me like one." I retorted.

He stopped for a moment. "I was talking to Nick." I couldn't help but laugh as he said this. Nick scoffed. "Be back soon." With that, he disappeared.

Once we were completely alone, I could feel Nick's eyes on me. I turned around to face him. "So you're the girl, eh?" He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

I raised an eyebrow. "You got a problem with that?" I replied, hands on my hips.

He chuckled. "Nope. Not at all. When Caleb told me he need some help, I was a little apprehensive. You know, didn't want to baby-sit some brat. But you...." He looked me up and down for a quick second. "....are totally worth it."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Pervert."

"Baby, I'll be what ever you want me to be." He said cheekily. I scoffed. "Relax darlin', I don't bite. Too hard."

"How original." I retorted, as I moved up towards the stairs. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to shower."

As I was moving up, I heard him call to me. "Need some company?" He called, and I rolled my eyes.

I simply shook my head, as I heard his laughter erupt downstairs.


This is going to be VERY interesting.

New English Teacher. Hot: Check. Arrogant: Double Check. A Vampire: What??Where stories live. Discover now