1: Beginning

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Katie. Katie Holt. She's a sophomore at Garrison High with all A's. She doesn't have much friends, or any at all. Katie isn't much of a social person, so it helps her focus on school, but also keeps her from going out at all, besides with her brother Matt.

She's a genuine kid. Loves her family and would do anything for them. Even though she doesn't have friends, it doesn't stop her from being happy. She knows she'll always have her family, no matter what..


Keith waited silently in his seat, waiting for the professor to walk in and for school to go on as usual. It was the same boring classes for five days straight, and the only part he enjoyed was that he shared three of his classes with a girl. Katie Holt. He enjoyed seeing her because she was the most interesting event that would happen in the classes they shared. They had been going to the same school since middle school, but haven't interacted much.

What caught his attention about her was how kind she looked, yet it seemed like she didn't have any friends. She sat diagonally a few rows in front of him in all their classes, so he could see how she would raise her hand, answering the professors questions.

He would subtly admire her, but would never talk to her. They were like strangers going to the same school, except one knew who the other was.

Everything seemed normal until Keith noticed Katie had gone absent for three days straight at school, near the middle of the school year. Her seat was left empty, and the classroom was more silent than usual. He hoped she was doing well, and thought about offering to help her catch up whenever she would come back.

She did come back.

But she wasn't the same.

Her usual bright eyes were droopy. She seemed tired and zoned out during class. Katie no longer participated and looked like she was switching from two pairs of hoodies everyday.

Keith didn't think much of it as it started, but she soon caught his attention again when he noticed how weak she looked. She began to look more and more sleep deprived and unhealthy.

This began to worry Keith.

Sure they weren't friends, but she was his classmate and the person sitting near him wasn't the girl he saw around school. Around two weeks had passed and she seemed to worsen.

It was sixth period, and Katie looked exhausted. She then slowly raised her hand for the first time in weeks.

"May I use the restroom." She said quietly.

"Yes you may Katie." The professor responded, allowing the girl to get out of her seat and leave class.

Keith was fed up, and quickly raised his hand not more than three seconds later.

"Uh- Professor, I.. May I also use the restroom?"

A few students eyed Keith but he ignored them, keeping his eyes on the professor, who raised a brow.

It took a few seconds of waiting, and the teacher finally let him go as Keith rushed out.

Keith looked both ways in the hallway, seeing the girl slowly walking to the restroom. She swayed as she walked, not making much of an effort to step.

He watched her move as just a few seconds later he found himself sprinting after her.


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