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[ Chapter three: Page 3 ]

˚ ₍💌₎┊ "Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other

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.˚ ₍💌₎┊ "Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other."

—John Steinbeck, Of mice and men
› 〉 📂 .ೃ ───────────❏.

Shaniya pov

New year, new experiences with the man I love, he embellished the darkness in me, I couldn't ask for a better partner than him. The bed sinks next to me, with an arm wrapped around my middle, slender fingers dancing across my stomach. Before I would berate him for touching my stomach. With me being insecure and everything. I felt maudlin about it, thinking everything that wasn't true. But he loved my body anyways, stretch marks or as Brendan calls them "angel trails" he would kiss the spot I would be so insecure about until it made me smile.

Constantly reminding me, a body changes for the better, he also let me know I can be a masterpiece and a developing painting at the same time. After months and months of showing me his admiration.

I began to love myself slowly. It started when I bought a pair of jeans, I was so happy to show him it, that he ended up screaming "now I have to take you out on a date, this is your fault fuck" smiling as I nibble on my index finger at the memories and love he continues to give me. Love was something that made me feel solicitous, but he let me know that love isn't supposed to make you feel that way, it's supposed to make you feel safe. It's supposed to make you feel like a fresh of breath air from drowning.

"What you thinking of precious?" His chin on the dip on my shoulder, his cheeks pressed against my jawline, as he nibbles on my earlobe, I giggle intertwining our fingers. "You"
"Damn, that's the first that you think about someone else! I'm the chosen one I won't let you down queen" his English accent comes out, I elbow him softly followed by his lowly groan, turning around in his arms I caress his cheeks with my short nails. They were long once upon a time, but I decided change is great. And now I detest long nails.

"I like you in this state" he consoled; my smile tugging from ear to ear, his eyes still closed but he grins knowing I'm smiling. It's crazy how emotions are just felt with gazing on them.

"You just like me?, then why am I still here?" I gushed, his fingertips dips into the sink in my lower back, fumbling over his words I chortle at how braindead he's gone, can't believe this is the same boy that got a letter from Harvard and Yale, but decided to come to a soft indie university such as Seoul. Not saying Seoul is amateurish, but Yale and Harvard literally tried kissing ass to get him.

"You know i love you girl, don't start that" he pecks my nose, his eyes finally looking upon mine, "wow you're an angel darling"
"Your English accent is coming out strong honey"
"That means I'm serious then sexy, cause I'm serious about you damnit" he giggles; those coconut smooth lips of his stamping my affable mocha skin.

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