Chapter 2: Pluto's Ambassador

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As everyone was in the middle of exams, the halls were deserted, and her heeled footsteps echoed loudly on the stone, all the way up to the Headmistress' office. The gargoyle leaped to the side at the sound of the password (Sugar Quill). Hermione carefully maneuvered the boy up through the spiral staircase.

Professor McGonagall opened before Hermione finished knocking.

"Ah, Hermione, come in!" she said with a pleasant smile at the sight of her favorite student. "What can I do for...goodness gracious!" She exclaimed as Hermione brought the boy through the door. He was still glaring.

McGonagall hurriedly shut the door behind the Minister. "Who in Merlin's name is this? Is that, thank goodness. For a second I feared it was the Dark Mark."

"No," Hermione said, frustrated. "I know it means something, but I can't place it! As to who he is, I have absolutely no idea. He just appeared at the edge of the Forest."

"But you can't..."

"Apparate inside Hogwarts ground, I know. And yet, here he is. One moment, there was nothing, the next moment, he was there."

"How on earth..." the Headmistress said, sitting down wearily in her throne-like chair.

"I wish I knew!" Hermione exclaimed.

"You could just ask me," a quiet voice said, causing them both to jump. The boy had spoken.

He started slightly flexing his fingers to show he could move them. "I think your voodoo is wearing off," he commented, sounding slightly amused.

Without a word, the two witches instantly pulled out their wands and the next thing anyone knew, the boy was sitting in a wooden chair, bound tightly by Hermione's Incarceration Curse.

He sighed in almost a bored fashion. "Look, you guys seem pretty chill to me, so can we skip this whole thing? I mean you no harm and judging by your choice not to kill me where you found me, you don't have anything in particular against me personally."

Hermione wrinkled her nose at his accent. He was American.

"You mean us no harm?" McGonagall asked incredulously. "How old are you, child?"

"Um...technically, I'm somewhere in my eighties. But for all intents and purposes, I'm about fourteen."

"And what in Merlin's name is that supposed to mean?" Hermione demanded.

"It's a long story involving a magic time-slowing prison/casino thing."

The boy's nonchalant tone was seriously starting to unnerve the women.

"Who and what are you?" Hermione said after a pause.

"Nico. The 'what' part is complicated. And I'm incredibly uncomfortable. Would you mind getting rid of the ropes? I'm not in much of a condition to try to escape or fight especially since you have the flashy stick things."

"You punched me back by the woods," Hermione accused.

Nico shrugged-at least, it looked like a shrug, but there wasn't much room for him to move. "To be completely fair, you paralyzed me first."

Hermione's face flushed slightly. "True...but I still don't trust you. How did you get here?"

Nico's face twitched. For a moment, they actually thought he might smile.

"That was an accident. I was taking a leisurely walk, ran into a...friend, had a nice little chat when my friend's annoying little sister suddenly shouted my name right in my ear. I jumped and the next thing I knew, I was outside your forest."

Unforeseen:  A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now