1.1 - Memento Mori

Start from the beginning

I shook my head as she got my answer. "Hey. It's just like Josh said, we gotta --" "Please don't say it...it makes me cringe..." I muttered as Sam just chuckles. "We should walk around while we wait for the cable car to come, yeah?" Sam suggested as I slung my bag over my shoulder. "Sure." I simply answer as I followed her.

We walked around the back of the station and we saw a paper. "Oh man...look at this." She tells me as I read the paper.


Milgram, Victor
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2" (1.88 m)
Last known address: Blackwood Pines
Last seen: 03/16/1998

I noticed that the profile picture was ripped out. "How do they expect people to find him if the profile picture was ripped off. Anyway, it seems outdated." I told her as my eyes caught something. "A shooting range...?" I muttered as I left Sam behind.

I walked towards the shooting range and picked up the rifle. "You know how to shoot?" She asks me as I inspected the rifle. "There's something called beginner's luck, Sam." I let out as I smiled at her. "Well, let's see if you have beginner's luck then." She said in a challenging way. "You think I don't know how to shoot?" I ask her as I brought the rifle up and pushed it against between my bicep and chest. "Maybe...maybe not..." She let out. I shook my head as I looked down the scope.


I hit a can...


I hit both suspended sandbags.


I hit all three cans on a gasoline drum. "Wow. So you do have beginner's luck." She said amused. "You wanna try? It isn't hard." I told her as I held the gun out of her. She shakes her head. I shrug my shoulder as I brought the rifle back up. I looked down the scope and saw a squirrel. I put the rifle down and held onto my bag. I think the cable care is on its way. Let's go." I told her as she nods.

"Don't you think it's weird...being back here? It's been a whole year, you know." I told her as I continued to walk. "Yeah, I swear, the moment I got here it just all came flooding back." She told me. I then started to remember the cliff as I shook my head. Sam walked ahead of me as she went for the door. But it didn't budge. "Hey, that's weird. Door's locked. You think you can use your beginner's luck?" She asks me in a jokingly matter. "I'm no Hulk or Agent 47, Sam. Since Josh wanted is to keep it locked, keep people out." I told her.

"He said that? What people?" Sam asks me. "I do not know. He said they found people sleeping in the station one time." I told her as I pulled out the key and unlocked it. I held the door open for her as she walked right through. I closed and locked the door behind me. "Ugh, I thought the car was closer." Sam grumbled.

I walked into the office and noticed a screen that flipped through various cameras. 'Bathroom...the front...the living room...?' I thought as I walked out of the office. I saw that the car had already arrived. "Let's go, Y/N!" Sam signaled me into the car as I walked in and sat next to her. The door closed as it started to ascend. I stared out of the window as I traced the mountain outlines with my eyes.

"The adventure begins!" Sam exclaims as I tore my eyes away from the mountains. "Yeah." I answered back as I smiled at her. "I hope this was the right thing to do." Sam started as I just look at her. "Getting everyone together on the anniversary?" I ask. "Yeah. Josh seemed really pumped about us all doing something didn't he?" She asks.

"Yeah...that was the first time I've seen him this pumped before...it's rare." I told her. "But...I think it was a good idea that everyone is meeting up." I spoke. "I hope everybody else feels the same way." She hoped. "C'mon...no doubting when we're going to see everyone again. Let's just live in the moment, okay?" I ask her as she brings her smile up again. I then felt a small punch to my arm as she still held her smile. "Thanks bro. Good talk." She said. I shook my head as I looked behind us. I watched as we got closer to the top.

"Come to think of it...how did you and Josh meet each other?" Sam asks me as I tried to remember. "I can't remember if it was the third or fourth grade...but Hannah was getting bullied during recess and I didn't like it...so I just stood up and pushed them all away. Good thing Beth held me before something happened." I chuckled as I continued.

"After school, Josh waited for me in front of the school gates. I didn't know he waited for me until he walked up to me and thanked me. And you can guess what happened next." I told her. "A match made in heaven." Sam commented. "But not in that way, right?" I asked her with a playful smile.

"Maybe...maybe not..." She answers as she displayed a playful smile, as well. "You and your 'maybe and maybe not's." I shrug as the car stopped. "We're here!" Sam exclaimed as she popped off her seat and walked out of the car. She went ahead and tried opening the door. "It won't budge..." Sam muttered. I then saw Jess.

"Jess! Hey!" I shouted from the other side as I knocked on the door. "Jessica! Over here!" Sam shouted. "Uh...are you guys having a really weird stroke?" Jess asks. I let out a sigh as Sam spoke. "Can you please let us out? Pretty please?" She asks Jess. I heard a click come from the door as I opened it. I let Sam through as I close the door behind me. I then noticed a note in Jess's hand. I pointed at it.

"A note? For who?" I ask as she hides the note behind her. "Mike and Em split. We're together. That's who's the note is for." She explains. "Drama?" I questioned her. "Not really. Pretty clear cut, actually. Em's out, I'm in." She explained. "Huh." Sam let out as I nodded.

"We're headed to the lodge now. Let's go." I talked out loud, as I turned and made my way uphill. "You guys go ahead. I'm just gonna wait here for a bit...see who else is coming." Jess tells us. "Sam?" I queried as I noticed she wasn't following after me. "Did you see this view?" Sam asks out loud as she looks at the mountains. "I mean, holy cow. Sometimes I forget to just stop and take it all in." She says as she stares out at the mountain range.

"We all do, Sam...we all do..."

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