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They were silent for a little while longer. Secretkeeper didn't feel at peace knowing her father was technically guilty, but Morrowseer just seemed to make it easier to deal with the pain.

"Do you know what she plans to do with those convicted guilty?" Secretkeeper whispered.

"I don't know," he answered her. 

She looked at him and wondered why she never noticed how handsome he was before. Then she shook the thought off, trying to focus her energy on her father. Her thoughts seemed to always slowly creep back to Morrowseer. 

Why should she care what happens to her father? Morrowseer had been there for her, not her father. He was just using her to get inside information and spy on the one dragon who truly cared about her. He used her.

But Morrowseer? He helped her fight off Quickstrike before Quickstrike killed her, he mourned Wishful's death with her without knowing who she was, and above all, he helped her stay alive in this world after Dreamcatcher left her.

Perhaps this was her soulmate all along. Perhaps, she had a chance to be happy.

"Look, I must go talk to the council, don't take it like I don't want you," Morrowseer claimed in his typical harsh voice. It was growing on Secretkeeper.

"No, no, I understand. You have a job. Go, I'll be fine," she said sweetly. 

He took his wing off her and she stopped leaning on him. She wanted to stay by him forever, standing by herself felt like a punishment. She looked at him and looked back before Morrowseer took off, leaving her staring at the ash covered sky. 

Farsight and Mastermind walked up to her and Farsight gave her a hug. Mastermind stood there, awkwardly. Secretkeeper hugged Farsight back, wondering how long her final friend would last.

Secretkeeper let out a sigh and Farsight hugged her a little tighter. If only she knew...

Farasight said, "I can't believe Morrowseer could be that sweet!"

Secretkeeper let a giggle escape her mouth and she let go out Farsight. They looked at each other then laughed.

"Remember when we called dibs on the guys and Wishful had said Morrowseer?" Farsight asked.

"And everyone there laughed at her, yes!" Secretkeeper responded.

Wishful loved her brother. Secretkeeper thought her brother was worth trusting, then her captured her, but he was with Morrowseer. So perhaps she was on the wrong side, not Fearkeeper. That would make it easier to forgive him for putting her in prison.

Secretkeeper continued to chatter with Farsight and Mastermind. Mastermind offered very little, but generally, what he had to say was interesting.

While she talked with them, she continued to wonder what would happen to everyone else. Perhaps further imprisonment?

Morrowseer interrupted her thought when he landed next to her. She smiled at him and he left his usual frown on his face. It didn't bother Secretkeeper.

"Come," he ordered and jumped back into the sky. When Farsight and Mastermind began to follow, he claimed sternly, "Just Secretkeeper."

Secretkeeper shrugged toward Farsight and followed Morrowseer.

Morrowseer brought her to the dungeons. Secretkeeper froze. Was she rally convicted guilty after all? Was she going to jail?

Then she spotted her father. He sat, bounded to the floor by think chains. Morrowseer motioned for Secretkeeper to come closer. What in three moons was going on?

"Your father has been convicted guilty and therefore will be executed today at dawn, in five minutes. I figured you'd want to say something," Morrowseer stated, staring at her. She couldn't read his expression but perhaps, this was an act of kindness from him.

Did she have anything she wanted to tell her father? 

No, the only thing she wanted to do was yell at him, but he was about to die. She didn't want her last words to be those of extreme inconsideration. So what to say? 

"What father?" Secretkeeper asked Morrowseer. He stared at her in a way that surprised her. He looked shocked, then smiled.

She avoided the looking at her father. He was never her father and never will be. He ignored her for years and then tried to use her for his own purposes. 

Two guards entered. They opened Shadekeeper's cell and unbound him. They took him to the gate toward the stadium. 

Morrowseer put one wing around Secretkeeper and they walked behind the guards to the execution center. This was where she belonged, under Morrowseer's wing and protection. Every moment with him was another moment she believed he was her soulmate.

The stadium was full of NightWings. Secretkeeper thought her father would at least have the dignity to get a private execution. She was disgusted at all the dragons who cheered and all who decided a public execution would be best. He may have not been much, but he was still her father, a dragon, and fellow NightWing. 

Secretkeeper looked away and burred her head in Morrowseer's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, he just shifted his position to make it more comfortable for her.

When she looked up, his body was being dragged out of the arena. 

That night, she slept in the same room as Quickstrike, Treasurekeeper, Fearkeeper, and Morrowseer. Secretkeeper slept across from Fearkeeper, like they used to when they were kids. Morrowseeer was in front of her bed, Quickstrike across from him. Treasurekeeper was in front of Quickstrike's bed. 

Right now, Fearkeeper was the only one here, the others on some secret mission until midnight.

She heard Fearkeeper begin to cry and she got up and sat by his bed. Fearkeeper looked at her, eyes watering. She pitied him.

"What's wrong?" Secretkeeper asked.

He sniffled a few ties before responding, "I don't... I don't know if the queen's assassin group is doing any good. Dad wasn't but we've done the... the worst."

"Like what?" Secretkeeper asked, curious. "I won't tell, promise."

"Ok--okay. Um, well... I joined after Wishful died. I had to prove myself by killing a dragon on dad's side. I never saw her face," he said. Does he like Quickstrike? The same one that murdered his girlfriend?

"Do you remember her name? Maybe that will help and we can mourn her death together," Secretkeeper offered.

"Yeah," Fearkeeper said. He stopped crying and looked at her. "Her name was... Dreamcatcher."

Winglet: Secrets and Lies Part 1Where stories live. Discover now