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"Queen Elegant?" Secretkeeper asked.

"Hopefully not ex- queen tomorrow afternoon," Elegant said, bored.

"Also strangely timed considering Quickstrike's current killing-spree," her father claimed, giving a longing look toward the exit.

Soulfinder growled, "Not relevant."

The sound of wingbeats echoed throughout the cave. Everyone looked around in confusion before Elegant went back into hiding. The wingbeats seemed to get louder.

Secretkeeper and her father went to the darkest part of the cave and tried to blend into the shadows. The others scrambled to find a hiding spot. The sound of talonsteps got closer.

"We heard voices!" a dragon shouts, coming into the room.

Secretkeeper's heart raced and she could feel it pounding harder and faster than it probably ever had. For the first time, she was worried for her life.

Five dragons entered the room with guards following behind them. There were already too many to take on and who knows how many more will show up.

Secretkeeper recognized Princess Battlewinner and Quickstike. Surprise, surprise.

But she wasn't expecting Treasurekeeper, Fearkeeper, and worst of all, Morrowseer. He was with them but she didn't want to believe it. He was the one there for her when her friend and girlfriend died. That was all she needed and now, no one would be there for her. Especially when she screwed up... which seemed to happen often.

The thought alone made her want to cry or worse, die so she may see Dreamcatcher. Maybe Dreamcatcher would forgive her and fold Secretkeeper into her wings if Secretkeeper left this world. 

Princess Battlewinner walked over to Soulfinder's desk and rummaged around. She unrolled several scrolls, tossing them aside if she didn't find anything she wanted. 

Quickstrike grabbed Soulfinder and pinned him to the floor. Two guards came in and held him down while she continued to look for other dragons. The others were looking and touching the walls. They must be looking for NightWings... there was no way they knew Elegant was here.

A loud screeching sound echoed in Secretkeeper's head and another NightWing was found. The third NightWing found didn't screech, but he did put up a fight. Morrowseer and Quickstrike had a few scratches along their bellies and snouts. 

That left one other NightWing, Elegant, Shadekeeper, and Secretkeeper.

Treasurekeeper and Fearkeeper stalked close to where Secretkeeper and her dad were. Secretkeeper held her breath as Fearkeeper began moving his claw across the wall.

His claw was getting closer to her face and she shut her eyes. Then cold scales touched Secretkeeper's face. She refused to open an eye or breath. The claw squeezed her face a little bit before she was grabbed.

Secretkeeper opened her eyes and flung her wings open. Fearkeeper avoided them and pinned her to the floor. Secretkeeper tried to roll him off without much luck. She heard a slight chuckle escape his mouth.

He pushed her by Soulfinder and her father was next to her. His expression, as usual, was unreadable.

"Well, well, well," Morrowseer hissed at Secretkeeper. 

She wanted to cry. He trusted her and he was the one dragon she trusted to be there for her, besides Farsight. However, Farsight didn't know her anything. Secretkeeper had trusted Morrowseer and she let him down.

She pushed the feeling away. Why did betraying him hurt so much? It shouldn't, he was just a friend... scratch that, a very good friend. She couldn't possibly have any feelings for him. 

She tried to avoid those thoughts. So she looked at what they were doing now. They didn't find the other NightWing or Elegant, which was a good thing. They must have escaped.

Princess Battlewinner was staring at a scroll intensely with her eyes narrowed. She asked, "Morrowseer, please take a look at this."

Morrowseer stalked over toward the table and snatched the scroll from Battlewinner. He read over it and growled. He gave Secretkeeper a look saying, I hate you. She tried to make herself smaller.

Princess Battlewinner talked with a few guards and they darted out of the cave. Battlewinner looked at Secretkeeper and stalked over to her. Battlewinner snarled, "Why are you not on the list of official members?"

"I brought her here today," her father put in. He tried to make himself bigger than he was. 

Battlewinner growled, "Did I ask you?"

She punched him in the face and her father just stared at her, unmoving. She breathed a fire on his right shoulder and he fell to the floor, clutching his arm. Secretkeeper's scales were hot and she wanted to fall to the floor herself, out of Battlewinner's sight.

"Answer me," Battlewinner hissed.

Secretkeeper answered, terrified, "I-- my dad brought me here tonight after... after my friends died. He wanted me to join them... but I'm not sure why my name wasn't on the list."

"Her father brought her here for the test we have for official members," Soulfinder added. 

"She's an innocent," Morrowseer stated, sounding annoyed. Battlewinner just stared at him and then at Secretkeeper. "She can be mended."

"We still have to give her a trial," Battlewinner explained, frowning.

Morrowseer gave her a look and claimed, "Of course."

Secretkeeper studied him. He tried to help her but Battlewinner was the princess. The only one who could overrule Battlewinner was the queen herself. If Morrowseer did, he would end up in jail or dead.

At least he tried. He still believed there was some good in her. Maybe she could mend this friendship.

"Guards! Take these prisoners to the cells. The trials are tomorrow," Battlwinner explained.

A NightWing grabbed Secretkeeper's shoulder and shoved her toward the exit. She took one last look at Morrowseer before walked through the cave. 

What was this feeling she was having? Did she... did she like Morrowseer? 

She wasn't sure. She wasn't sure of anything anymore.

Winglet: Secrets and Lies Part 1Where stories live. Discover now