green room | excerpt

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the school hallways were always the darkest places to be, you'd see innocent teens and children being bullied by their peers or even possibly beaten into a pulp or hormones raging between two lovers against the lockers. Even if this was no ordinary high school, it still was to a certain extent, the only difference between our school and theirs was that we could never leave. The teachers sure as hell made sure of that, anyone who would try to leave would be stuck in what I call the torture chamber but most call it the green room. Green is supposed to be the color of happiness and good intentions, that room was far from it, even if I have never been. Walking down the halls clutching my books to my chest as I pass the other students in a blur making it to my final class of the day, Architecture. See, I don't care for the study but I am not like the other students in this school, I was smarter. Sounds cocky but it's very true if you learn how the place was built and the right weak spots to look for in the structure, you have a better chance of escaping and staying gone. My youngest sister is in this class with me, she follows me everywhere because she doesn't want to be seen with our eldest. 

 There are three of us, it was four but we have no idea what happened to our brother Marcus. He got into major trouble and got sent to the green room for a week and never came out, we looked all over for him but with no luck and the professors looking at us like we're idiotic while saying "who?" It was entirely frustrating and that's when I decided to do everything in my power to leave this hell hole. Sitting at my desk, writing the notes on the board as the instructor babbles on about anything and everything, I feel a small tap on my shoulder. Smiling a bit at my little sister and whispering a quiet what's up, she passes me a note and looks at the board silently. I look up and the teachers back is facing us. I open the small wrinkled paper and chuckle into my sleeve, its a small doodle of our teachers back but with her bum the size of four watermelons combined. Good one Bella, good one. I silently draw a little thumbs up and a laughing stick figure and slide the note back onto her desk. She looks at me and gives me a warm smile, she is the only reason I haven't gotten myself into that room yet.




The loud and obnoxious bell rings throughout campus, signaling the end of school and back to our dorms. I pack up my over shoulder bag as Bella waits for me by the door of the classroom. I stand and follow her out the door. The halls are wild and hectic again, I hate it when it's like this. I hate these hallways, I hate this school, I hate these students, I hate being cooped up in this hellhole- a small hand slips into mine and I look down at my life source, her long blonde hair, and baby blue eyes. I'm here for her, no one will protect her from this hell like I do. My heart rate slowing and my eyes stop burning with their flame. She gives a small nod and we walk to our dorms, ignoring anyone in our way.

 We walk into our apartment like dorm, usually, the girls and boys get separated but because we are all siblings and practically the only family we have left the district allowed it, much to the teachers and other students dismay. I slide the key into the lock and unlock it, opening the door before I hear a snarky voice.

"Gonna fuck your baby sister again Collin?" their ugly and pathetic laugh rings out making my hands twitch in rage. "God, you're fucking disgusting! She's barely 15 Collin, you dirty dog," I stand in the middle of the doorway while Bella places her hands on my back, rubbing up and down soothingly. 

"C'mon Bear, let's go inside..." her soft voice rings out, music to my ears. 

"Such a dirty slut you are Bells, fucking your older brother. So fucking desperate you are!" they yell out, making me snap and turn around. I will bash their fucking head into that wall and make sure their brain turns into the lunch ladies' next mush meal.

"You watch who you're fucking talking to you fucking idiotic waste of-" My mouth is covered but that doesn't stop me from yelling against my eldest sister's palm and attempting to go out the teenage boy who is laughing his pathetic ass off.

"Not tonight Collin, keep your cool. He will get what's coming to him," Quinn whispers next to my ear. "He is not worth the anger and time bub, c'mon. Les' go inside." she takes my arm and drags me into our apartment. My skin is still boiling and my eyes are burning up again, how dare he say those things about her, she is nothing but an innocent child who doesn't deserve any of this bullshit.

"Should've let me at him," I snarled, my voice unrecognizably deep and guttural. "The bastard deserves to be fed to wild dogs then chopped up in a blender and served to his-" I get cut off by Bella clearing her throat and standing in front of me, Quinn gripping her shoulders and holding her in front of my face. 

"See you angry pig, she is fine. She isn't crying nor upset, she is okay." Quinn barks and let's go, storming into her room to probably have a ciggy.

 My kid sister stays in front of me, with her big blue eyes swirling with emotion and glistening with nothing but love for me. She places her hand on my cheek but hisses and draws back quickly, making her eyes sad. No, No, Don't be sad... I place my hand on her cheek and she leans into my hand, her cool skin-calming the sizzle in mine. I don't understand why she is my calming spot but she is, Bella brings me back from the flaming depths of my head with her calming waters. She's the reason I haven't snapped yet, she is the reason I haven't gotten myself into the green room yet.


1078 Words

Hello, so this excerpt probably needs some context but this is a small part of a bigger story that I have been planning and drafting. Before you ask, no there is not a romantic relationship between Bella and Collin. The concept I am working on is that this "school" is a place for special kids who have special powers, original ik, but these kids are placed among humans as an experiment. Now, Collin's thing is fury, flame, and anger. He has a tendency for when he gets really anxious or angry, he feels it tenfold and his "power" is triggered or starts to seep out. Bella is like said, calming waters for him. There is always that someone or something that can always calm us down or make us feel like we're floating. I am not gonna explain more bc spoilers but yeah, there's ya context.

Have a nice night/day !! ♥


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