Izuku Midoriya | Recruit

502 13 2

[ villain cinnamon roll! ]

A figure roamed around the city, avoiding the main road and the people. The figure slipped in and out of the shadows as it roamed around, cautious of its surroundings.

"Hey," the figure turned around and was met with the blue flame wielding villain, Dabi.

"What do you want?" The figure asked, lowering their hood to reveal a girl with h/c hair, e/c eyes and s/c skin.

"The boss wants to see you," the girl rose a brow, her hand ready to manipulate the shadows around the man in case he attacked. "Calm down, I'm not here to fight. My boss just wants to... see you" he repeated, not in the mood to fight the girl.

"Who is your... boss?" The girl asked, her eyes narrowed as she watched his movement and already planning an escape if need be.

"Just come with me," the girl reluctantly followed Dabi to the underground bar. They entered the small building and was met with the league.

"Alright, what do you want from me?" The girl asked with her arms crossed, eyeing everyone in the room from Kurogiri at the counter to the figure in the corner.

"Shadow, we would like to recruit you into the League of Villains" Kurogiri spoke, the girl known as 'Shadow' to the world looked hesitant.

"And why should I?"

"Our views on our society are the same, our goals are the same as well. We strive to defeat those wannabe heroes," the girl thought for a moment before Tomura spoke.

"This is a waste of time. That girl won't join us and now she knows where our base is, let's kill her" the girl rose a brow as he began scratching his neck furiously that his skin was turning red.

"I'm thinking," the girl answered but Tomura grew impatient and ran to her, ready to disintegrate the girl. The girl rolled her eyes before she melted into the shadows and reappeared behind Tomura.

"Sure, I'll join your little league" she answered. Everyone settled and greeted her until she noticed that the figure in the corner was still quiet.

She approached the figure and saw that he had familiar curly green hair. "Who're you?" The girl asked, the figure looked at her and she instantly recognized him.

"Izuku? What're you doing here?" Izuku turned his body completely to face the girl before giving the girl a sadistic smirk.

"Y/n! I'm here to assist the league in getting rid of those useless and pathetic heroes" Y/n was confused, Izuku loved heroes and always wanted to be one.

"What made you change? You used to be a geek about heroes and all that shit," Y/n asked, sitting beside him.

His smirk dropped and he looked dead serious, "Those heroes let my mom die and they're the ones that killed her"

Y/n remembered that time where his mom died, Izuku was devastated and didn't go to school anymore. Everyone was worried but they eventually forgot and concentrated in becoming heroes. Y/n, at the time, wasn't too interested in the matter.

Y/n hummed in response, "What about you? I never thought you were a villain," Izuku asked the h/c haired girl.

Y/n grinned, "I do this for fun and I'm also doing this to prove one certain hero wrong" Izuku smirked at Y/n's sadistic grin.

"Well, I gotta bounce. I need to do 'villain shit'." Y/n got off the seat and grinned at Izuku, "Let's do something sometime, yeah?"

"Sure~" Izuku replied, Y/n's grin widened more before she melted into the shadows and left the bar.

She reappeared in an alleyway. "Hey, what's a pretty doll-like you doing here?" A lowlife thug asked, approaching the girl. Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to leave when the thug grabbed her hand.

"Oh, so you wanna play?" Y/n grinned before manipulating the shadows around him to wrapped around his body and enter his mouth, "never mess with me you lowlife scum" the girl scowled, scaring the thug.

"What's going on here?" Y/n turned to the entrance of the alleyway and saw a police officer, the girl grinned and wrapped the man in shadows.

"Last night, a police officer and a thug had been found in an alleyway, wrapped in shadows and gagged with the shadows. After being rescued, police tried to ask them what happened but the only thing they would say was "beware the shadows". Police are investigating this further and have concluded that the elusive 'Shadow', a villain who terrifies their victims, was the cause of this. This is Gracie Talya, reporting live from **** city"

Y/n grinned at the news, they had found her victims last night. "My my, aren't you productive. Taking out a police officer and a thug all in one night."

Y/n turned her head and saw Izuku entering her apartment through the window. "What're you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how the new recruit was doing," Izuku grinned, sitting down beside the girl. "Well, I wouldn't sit too close to me if I were you unless you want my shadows to swallow you whole"

"Hmm, what if I wanted you to swallow me whole?" Y/n blushed and turned her head. Izuku laughed, "calm down recruit. I need to date you first before letting you swallow me whole"

Y/n blushed more and hid her face in her hands as her used to be classmate laughed. "Now then, Shadow, wanna be my girl?"

"Sure you idiot," Y/n mumbled, a small shadow tentacle poking Izuku's cheek. Izuku laughed, "Aww, aren't you cute"

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