Shota Aizawa | Family

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[ dadzawa? ]

You groan as your back ached from the weight you were carrying, you were 8 months and 2 weeks pregnant and looked like you were about to die. It was exhausting, having to pee very often, cravings that eventually subsided, the swollen ankles, the back pain and many more.

"Be worth it, ok?" You say as you rub your belly, you just got ready to see your husband at his workplace, UA high. He didn't know you were coming.

You walked outside and saw Toshinori, "Y/n! What nice to see you!" He was in his small form. You smiled and waved at him, "Hi Toshi, I was just heading to UA"

"Really? Let's go then, I have a class in a few minutes" you nod and the two of you start walking to UA, with him asking a bunch of questions about your pregnancy.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's gonna be a surprise, Shota doesn't know it yet but I do"

"Oh, that's nice. Any names yet?"

"A few, most of them were similar to Shota's name"

This continued on until the two of you reached the infamous UA high, you already had your visitors pass with you so that the gate didn't close when you try to enter. You and Toshinori went to the faculty office and saw your friends.


"Lovely to see you today Y/n"

"Wow, when are you due?"

A lot of them were surprised when you entered but still greeted you with enthusiasm. "You're looking for your husband?" Midnight asked, walking to you with her handcuffs jingling.

"I am, is he in class?"

"He is. But damn, even though you're pregnant you still look hot" you laugh at her statement and say goodbye to the teachers before leaving the faculty. It wasn't really hard to find his classroom, I mean it literally says 1A on the huge door!

You knocked on the door and your husband looked to you through the small window and gave you a confused look. You simply smiled and opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Is it wrong to visit my husband? And besides, I missed teaching" you walk to him and he placed an arm around your waist, the students all looked confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hello, I'm Y/n Aizawa. This person's wife, lovely to meet you all" everyone's jaw dropped.

"No way that guy has a fucking wife!"

"Woah, I didn't even know Mr Aizawa was straight!"

"I thought he had a thing for Present Mic"

"Lovely to meet you too!"

You laugh at all their different personalities while your husband looked like he wanted to use his capture weapon on them. "Excuse me miss but are you the singing hero, Song Bird?"

A boy with green hair asked, you turned to him and he was suddenly blushing. "Why, yes, I am! It has been a while since I was called by that name!"

Soon everyone was asking you questions while your husband still looked like he wanted to shut them all up. His private life was something he didn't really openly discuss with others unless they were someone close to him. Hizashi didn't even know you were pregnant until your bump was showing.

"Alright, that's enough questions. Y/n, go home and rest" you pouted. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I—"

Soon your face contorted into one of discomfort, your husband noticed. "What's wrong?" You held your stomach as you crouched down in pain. Your husband and his students looked worried.

"Ugh Sh-Shota, i-it's ti-time. Fuck thi-this hurts" you gripped unto his desk and panted.

Shota reacted fast and scooped you into his arms. "Go find a teacher" he left his classroom and went to Recovery Girl. You hissed and groaned in pain with a few colourful words that left your mouth as the contractions started to happen closer to each other.

You had to give birth right then and there, they couldn't really bring you to the hospital cause it was too far. Recovery Girl delivered the baby and helped you heal.

You passed out shortly after giving birth and when you opened your eyes you saw your husband beside you, his hand was bandaged. "What happened to your hand?"

"You did, you squeezed it so hard that you broke my bones" you sat up quickly, regretting it after since the pain was horrible, and looked at his hand. "I'm so sorry!"

He laughed, "It's fine, Recovery Girl fixed it up but made me use bandages"

You sigh and lay back down. "Where are our babies?"

He stood up and left the room, confusing you. Soon the door opened again, he entered with Midnight, both had a bundle of blankets in their arms. "Y/n! They are just so cute! Good job!" She grinned at you, you smiled as she handed you the bundle in her arms.

She left, leaving you with your husband and babies. The bundle in your arms was a boy with a tuft of black hair, you craned your neck to see the bundle in your husband's arms. He chuckled and showed you, it was also a boy. Twin boys. Both with tufts of black hair.

"I'm hoping they won't be as lazy as you" you joked as you cooed at the baby in your arms. "I'm hoping they won't be as energetic as you are"

You both laugh. "What are we going to name them?" You heard a small coo and looked down as your baby opened his eyes, he had your e/c eyes.

"Aww" you beamed at the two babies as they had inherited the infamous e/c eyes of your family.

"How about we name them..."

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