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No One's POV

The chubby red hair teenage girl pointed at (Y/N) as she looked at Clementine, "You know this guy?" Clementine smiled as she nodded, "Yeah he's an old friend." (Y/N) and Ying went to take a step forward to have the blonde hair teenager pull out a pistol and aim it at them making them stop as (Y/N) was a bit surprised, "Woah now, we don't want trouble." Clementine got mad as she turned to Violet, "What the hell are you doing?!" Violet kept her gun up, "They could be dangerous." "(Y/N) is a friend." "Friends can change Clem. We can't risk it."

As this was going on Luke, Christa, Noah, and Rachel met up together to head towards the meet up point. When they arrived they saw (Y/N) and Ying so they walked towards them to realize that they were being held up by three teenage girls and a little boy. Noah got mad, while Rachel was scared, as Luke and Christa both smiled, "Clementine!" Violet sighed, "You know them too?" Clementine nodded, "Yes, now put the damn gun down Violet!" "But-" "Do it!" "Fine! but if they mug us I blame you."

Violet put her gun down and in the back of her pants to have (Y/N), Luke, and Christa hug Clementine as she hugged back. When they separated Clementine looked at (Y/N), "How are you here. When you fell through the ice I thought..." Luke answered her question, "Well I managed to get us out, but there were walkers all around us and we were a goner." He then smacked Ying's back as she got close to them, "But this wonderful lady saved our lives and she was with Christa." Christa put her hands on her hips, "She should of left you with how annoying you are." "Oh har har, Mrs. Uptight." "I'm not uptight." She then looked at Noah, Rachel, and Ying who all looked away as (Y/N) and Clementine avoided eye contact. "Alright, I may be a little bit uptight."

As they were talking Violet interrupted them, "Sorry to break the reunion, but we need to get back. Marlon will start to worry if we stay here any longer." (Y/N) snapped his fingers to point at Violet, "You mean the school?" "How do you know about the school?" "Sophie told me about the place, and she specifically talked about you." In a second Violet was mad as she grabbed the sides of (Y/N)'s jacket, "How do you know Sophie, Marlon said that she was eaten by walkers!" A few leaves could be heard being crunched as Sophie came from the woods, "Who said that I was eaten by walkers?!"

Violet let go of (Y/N) as she saw Sophie while her eyes widened as she took a few steps towards Sophie, "S-Sophie?" Sophie walked towards Violet as they were now only a few feet away, "Who else would I be?" Violet then quickly walked up to Sophie to hug her with Sophie hugging her back. Tears started to form in Violet's eyes, "I- I thought that you were dead." "I'm here now sweetie. I'm here now."

A Few Minutes Later

The large group was on their way to the school and Clementine was next to AJ as they walked. AJ looked behind them at Christa, Luke, and (Y/N), "Hey Clem, we're they around when I was born?" "Only Luke and (Y/N). I was separated from Christa before you were born. You don't remember them, but they are good people." "Can we trust them?" "Of course we can."

(Y/N) was walking by himself until Clementine slowed down a little to be walking next to him, "So how have you been?" "Well it's been rough, easy, fine, depressing, and awesome. You know, just a normal life now a days." "Heh yeah." It was silent until Clementine sighed, "I've missed you." (Y/N) smiled, "I've missed you too." He then noticed something off,   "Are you alright? You seem a bit off." "Well for years I've had nightmares of repeatedly seeing you and Luke fall through the ice. If I was just a bit faster maybe I could of-" "Hey don't talk like that. We are with each other again and I want us to be happy. None of that gloomy stuff." Clementine grinned, "Your right." She then lightly punched his arm, "Now that your here, you are gonna watch AJ." (Y/N) chuckled a little, "Sounds fair."

After a while they arrived at the school as a little boy near Rachle's age spotted them to disappear behind the fortified walls. A few seconds later the large door opened as a colored teenage boy, the boy from before, and another teenage boy who always looked mad approached them. The angry looking one crossed his arms, "What the hell is this? Louis and Aasim went hunting and brought back some food." He then pointed at Ruby, Clementine, and then Violet, "Then you three go fishing and bring back a whole group of mouths to feed!" Violet stood in front of everyone, "For once won't you shut up Mitch!" "Marlon isn't gonna like this!"

Another boy's voice was then heard, "What am I not gonna like Mitch?!" Every looked to where the voice came from to see the one who asked the question and a teenage girl. Mitch quickly responded, "Violet, Ruby, and the new girl just invited seven new people to stay here." Sophie then came out from behind the group where she was next to Violet, "Were not all new." This left the other five speechless until Marlon spoke first as he looked different than everyone else as his eyes showed a little bit of guilt, "Sophie, we.. we thought that you were dead." "Well I'm standing right here aren't I. Now I know that you don't trust these people and most of them are adults, but they are good people. They helped me get here so please let them stay here." Ying stepped forward, "I have medical supplies and have years of medical knowledge." Next was Luke as he held up a bag, "We have a lot of canned food." Then Noah, "I can hunt anything and set traps using sticks." After him was Christa, "I can keep everything in check when your busy. I'm guessing that your in charge here." Marlon nodded, "You are correct." Finally was (Y/N), "I can run for long periods of time, so I can scavenge for supplies and be back before you know it." 

A moment went by as Marlon was in thought until he seemed to scan the group. He then smiled, "Your all welcome to stay." He then turned around as he waved them to follow, "There are plenty of rooms for you all to stay in, but you will be partnered with someone. Oh and Sophie, Violet kept your side of the room the same as when you left it." They walked into the school and the first stop was Violet and Sophie's room. The two walked in as Sophie looked around, "Oh my god you did keep everything the same." She then smiled as she hugged Violet which made her blush a little, "Well yeah, it was what I used to remember you." 

The group already continued on as they skipped a few rooms until they stopped at one to which Marlon turned around, "Someone already sleeps in here, so who wants to be their roommate?" (Y/N) raised his hand, "I'll sleep in here, but it looks like one the beds is a bunk bed." Rachel tugged on Marlon's arm, "Can I sleep in there too?" Marlon looked down at her, "Well you can if the other two don't mind." (Y/N) looked at Rachel, "I don't mind." Marlon then looked at one of the boys from before, "Do you mind Louis?" "Louis shook his head, "Nope. The more the merrier." (Y/N) and Rachel walked in to have (Y/N) put his backpack and axe on the bottom bunk of the bed. Rachel climbed the bed's ladder to sit on the top bunk and lay her backpack on the mattress. Louis then entered the room, "Yes! I finally have roommates! You have know idea how lonely it gets here at night." (Y/N) walked up to him as he offered a handshake, "I'm (Y/N)." Louis shook his hand, "I'm Louis."

The group reached another empty room to have Marlon ask who was gonna stay to have Christa go in. Ying followed her, "I guess this is our room." They reached the last room to have Luke and Noah go in. Everyone got settled in their rooms as a few hours later until it got dark and Clementine went to (Y/N)'s room to see him walk out with Louis as they were talking, "And then Violet fell right on her back." The two started laughing as Clementine walked up to them, "Hey guys what are you talking about?" Louis just lightly elbowed (Y/N)'s arm, "I'm just telling this guy a few jokes. What do you need?" Clementine took a breathe, "Well this place needs food and supplies are running low in the safe zone Marlon has." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "Safe zone?" "It's a thing. Anyways Violet and I plan on going to the small store where AJ and I crashed." (Y/N) then remembered something, "Wait, that was your car?" "What do you mean?" "Well we passed a small store that was full of walkers that had a car crashed into a tree. Also remind me to never let you drive." "Wha- There were walkers everywhere!" "Yeah yeah." "Well when you drive I would like to see you do better. Anyways that place had a bunch of food hidden in a secret pantry underground. We could have enough food for weeks." "But we brought a lot of canned food." "(Y/N), did you guys check the expiration date on those? 90% of it has gone bad. Vienna Sausages don't last long." "Shit." "Anyways, are you guys in?" Louis nodded, "I'm with ya." "Alright good. What about you (Y/N)?" "I'll go with you." "Great." The three then heard Rachel behind them as she was in the middle of the doorway. She looked at (Y/N), "Can I come with you guys?"

[YES]   or   [NO]

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