Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Now loves." The guard said to us. "The priest is down 'ere. Don't know what he wants with you two, but I don't care. My job's done." With that he walked off out of the elevator and left us two standing there.

Suddenly we saw a man with a weird helmet walk over to us.

"So you must be Lena and Angela, heh heh." The man said. "I've heard that you in particular, Lena, mean a great deal to the slayer. Now then, come, follow me."

We did as he said, not wanting to annoy him. He walked over to a thrown and sat in the middle.

"Come, my ladies. Take your seat next to me." As he said that, he signalled to the seats to his left and right. I reluctantly split up with Angela and sat down on his left. As Angela sat down, we saw 2 massive demons hovering towards us.

"Doom hunters, you mustn't disappoint." With that they turned around looking like they were ready for a fight. "The slayer nears."

(Y/n)'s pov

After about 30 seconds, the door was opened. On the other side we were greeted by a mancubus. He started firing his flamethrowers at us, but Reinhardt put his shield up and blocked all of it. We all opened fire and killed it in a matter of seconds. We checked every cell, but Lena and Angela were nowhere to be found.

"Shit." I said to myself. "Vega, where are they?"

"My scans indicate that they were moved down to the arena with the priest just 10 minutes ago. They, however, are bring guarded by 2 doom hunters."

"Well (y/n)?" Jack says turning to me. "Do you think we can take them?"

I look jack dead straight in the face. We stare at each other for a few seconds. "Yes we can."

With that, everyone else got in the elevator to went down to the 'arena', whereas I just jumped down from the top.

"Welcome slayer."

I heard Deag Ranak say, but not being able to see him.

"This shall be an interesting fight. You versus 2 demons designed to kill you and only you. Let the battle commence!"

As he said that, through the mist I could see the two doom hunters appear. They both simultaneously roared at me, again causing more demons to spawn. I look back at the other agents who are preparing for a massive battle. I look at the hunters and remember what King Novik told me. "Rip and tear, until it is done." With that I charged at the first doom hunter. I dodged all of its rockets and started unloading my plasma rifle into it. It whacked me with its right arm. I noticed however that this one didn't have a laser cannon on it though, it had my super shotgun. I was too taken aback by my shotgun that I didn't notice him swinging at me again. I was barely able to dodge it but I continued firing my plasma rifle at it. It's shield exploded, causing it to get dazed a bit. I used this opportunity to run up to it and get my shotgun back. I grabbed onto my shotgun and cut its arm off with my arm mounted blade. I didn't have time to look at it though. I had to keep shooting it. After I'd fired a few shotgun rounds at its engines, the chassis blew up, causing the demon to detach and start fighting me in a hand to hand fight. I started with an advantage, but it quickly got the upper hand of me. Soon I was pinned down with its chainsaws to my neck. The only thing stopping it was my arm. It started cutting through my armour and into my skin. The pain was so intense, but the argent in my veins causing my rage completely nullified it. I looked up to see the doom slayer going for my head, but getting stopped by a sword to the head. I took my opportunity and stood up and threw it to the floor. Before it could react my foot had gone straight through its face.

"Thanks Genji." I said to the ninja as he retrieved his sword.

"No. Thank you, (y/n)." He replied.

That however was only the first doom hunter. I looked at the second doom hunter. It was currently in a melee fight with Reinhardt. It's shield was down from something, but what from didn't matter. I ran up to it and punched it in the face as hard as I could. Reinhardt took a step back before smashing it's chassis with his hammer. This caused it's hull to blow up. I went to go pin it down, but it let out a massive shockwave of energy. This knocked everyone near it down. I opened my eyes to see him with his chainsaw to my neck. He was about to cut my throat, but he stopped and looked at something. I couldn't see what he was looking at, but I heard Mccree shouting at him.

"It's high noon." Mccree said while staring right at the doom hunter. The hunter got off of me and started charging it's laser rifle up at Mccree. Mccree just stared at him, waiting. For a second, time felt like it had stopped. Mccree continued staring at him, ignoring the demons laser rifle charging up. Even I started to feel nervous.

"DRAW" Mccree shouts whilst pulling his revolver out and firing a single shot at the doom hunter. I look at the doom hunter to see a hole right through the center of its head. It falls on the floor dead.

I hear ana and a few others cheer at Mccree for killing it, but they'd forgotten that this mission wasn't over yet.

"W-would the slayer like enhanced power or gifts to aid him in his noble quest?" The priest says to me, fearing his life.

"No." I reply

"Th-then what is it you want."

I took my helmet off and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Those two." I said pointing at Lena and Angela. He looks at them and then back to me just in time to see my blade going right for his throat. With one clean sweep I cut his head off. I watched it land on the floor, glad that he was now dead. I walked over to Lena and Angela.

They were tied down to their seats. Me and Jack walk over to untie them. Jack untied Angela's while I untied Lena's. As soon as I untie Lena's she tries to stand up, but can't and falls back into the chair.

"Are you ok Lena?"

She looks at me as she tries to stand up again. She leans on the arm of the chair for help. "Ow. Yes love, I'm fine." She was obviously lying.

"I don't think you are. Come on. Let's go. You can tell me all about it when we're safe again." As I say that, I pick her up bridal style and start carrying her back to the others.

"Thank you (y/n)." She whispers as she kisses me on the cheek. She quickly falls asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful. God knows what she'd been through, but knowing Deag Ranak, it probably wasn't nice for her. I walked back up to the other agents, with Lena still in my arms.

"Well then, is this everyone? Anyone missing?" Jack says.

"I think this is everyone. I count 12 of us." Winston says.

"Ok then. Let's head out."

We all walked back to the ship, not coming across any resistance whatsoever. I let Lena sleep in my arms the entire way back. I didn't want to wake her up. When we got back to base, it was incredibly late. Although I didn't need to sleep, I wanted to since everyone else was. I didn't know the code to Lena's room so I just brought her into my room and put her in my bed. She looked so cute asleep. I tucked her in, trying my best to not wake her up. I took my suit off and got into bed with her. After about 5 minutes I felt her wrap her arms around me. She was so soft. I quickly went to sleep and had one of the best night's rest I'd ever had.

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