Author's Statement and Explanation

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Hello, my loves!

I know I haven't updated in months and I apologize for making you wait, it has been an incredibly stressful time and I had to set my priorities elsewhere for several private reasons, I hope you can all understand. 

However, I am back now and currently thinking about how I want to continue this story because when starting it my motivation kind of carried me away and I didn't thoroughly plan it like I usually do and should have done. Therefore I would  like to ask you all what you expect and want from this, so I can take it into account!

I would also like to thank you so so so much for voting and commenting, it honestly makes my heart happy to see that you are enjoying whatever this is! Would some of you be interested in other gay stories of mine? 

And last but not least, I know that this is an incredibly difficult and scary time for a lot, if not all of you and I want you to know that you can always message me if you need help with something, a distraction or just someone to talk to about whatever. I swear I don't bite and I'm convinced that we should all stick together when it gets tough. 

I hope you're having a good day/night and you're not alone! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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