Chapter 1

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(I'm going to be changing a few things)

Izuku took a deep breath. This was it, his first day as a hero in training! He didn't know what to expect. Would he do well? Would he make friends? Would people be nice to him?

Moist of all, is secondary presentation mandatory? Is there a hierarchy?

Suddenly Izuku bumped into someone.

"Oh gee! Sorry-" Izuku looked up.

It was the boy with glasses from the entry exam! Oh god he was in for it.

"HELLO!" the boy with glasses said in an official voice. "I remember you from the entry exam."

"I'm so so sorry! I-"

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior." the boy said. "It was wrong to assume the worst of you."

"Oh its fine-"

"No it is not, please forgive me."

"Ok! Ok! Forgiven!" Izuku chuckled.

"I am Tenya Iida," the boy with g;asses held out his hand.

"Izuku Midoryia," Izuku took it.

The boy had a strong handshake, obviously an alpha.

The two headed to their homeroom class, which turned out to both be class 1-A.


Right as Izuku entered the room, he caught a large wave of scents.


They were all alphas.

All eyes turned to him, what with his different scent.


He was the only omega.

Suddenly he smelt a very familiar scent.

It was Bakugo.

Oh god why? Why did Bakugo have to be in his-

"Fucking Nerd!" Bakugo stormed up to him.


"Don't fucking call me that!" Bakugo pushed him.

Suddenly the teacher walked into the room.

"I'm Mr. Aizawa," the teacher said. "Now everyone shut up and sit down."

Bakugo growled and left Izuku alone.

Izulu sat next to tenya. He felt almost safe around him, he wasn't sure why.

My defenseless Omega(MHA IiDeku omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now