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Kevin did not start the day happy.

He, in fact, started with one of happy's opposite emotions, which was really risky to do nowadays. But he did it anyway.

He chose to start the day with the H-A-T-E emotion.

He chose to. Emotions are all a choice, the Smiling God had taught his town. You have the choice to decide which feelings to feel and which ones to push down and away. Kevin decided to feel H-A-T-E today. Because he hadn't for a while. Because it felt right.

Kevin H-A-T-E-D few things, but he H-A-T-E-D them nonetheless. Like the number thirteen. Kevin H-A-T-E-D thirteen. He was a very superstitious man.

He also D-I-S-L-I-K-E-D the nighttime. He didn't trust it. So he H-A-T-E-D it.

And cats. Oh, God, cats. There was nothing worse than those hideous, monstrous felines.

These were all opinions that were common in Desert Bluffs. So common that the Smiling God noticed them easily when It first arrived. And the Smiling God didn't like H-A-T-E. So it took care of the H-A-T-E-D.

Which is why the number thirteen does not exist and is illegal in Desert Bluffs. Which is why the sun never sets in Desert Bluffs. Which is why there were no cats in Desert Bluffs. The street cleaners took care of them a few weeks back.

Kevin had no use for these H-A-T-E-S now that they were disposed of. Yet he still lingered in the emotion. Because there was something deeper than his D-I-S-L-I-K-E for the number thirteen or the night or even cats. Something that made him feel A-N-G-R-Y. Something he was guilty of feeling.

Because somewhere deep inside him, he could feel a feeling of H-A-T-E for StrexCorp. For the Smiling God. Yes. He H-A-T-E-D them.

But emotions that were the opposite of happy were illegal. Kevin was aware of this. He was aware that if he lingered in this state for any longer, the StrexCorp Secret Police would come after him. Kevin did not want that.

So, discreetly and quickly, he stuffed away these illegal emotions, glancing around his room to make sure nobody had seen him express the H-A-T-E.

Satisfied, Kevin forced a wide, ear-to-ear smile and headed out the door for work.

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