Chapter 11: Old and New

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--Big Mac POV--

I bumped into Fluttershy's daughter, Daisy. I can't believe how much of a mixture of both of her parents she is. Daisy had Fluttershy's hair but shorter and her mother's eyes. The same eyes I fell in love with all those years ago.

"Excuse me," Daisy said, and gently moved around me. I blinked my eyes. I was stunned. But. How could I be? She's the spawn of Discord, the dragonques who took the one mare I really liked away from me. I watched her walk away.

I shook my head and started walking towards Sweet Apple Acres. I went to the house and sat down at the table. My mind was racing. Could I possibly like daisy? Maybe. Probably. I put my head on the table and closed my eyes. i didn't even know her. how could I like a mare I've never talked to? Oh yea, I liked Fluttershy before I ever really got the chance to talk to her.

"Ya alright Big Mac?" I heard a voice come from the living room. I lifted my head up and saw Applebloom.

"Ah'm alright. Is Applejack here?" I asked. I wanted to talk to her. She normally gave me good advice. Too bad most of the time I didn't listen to it. Applebloom thought for a minute before she said, "Na ah haven't. I think she went somewhere with rainbow Dash though,"

I nodded and Applebloom left the house, probably to go find her friends. Getting up from the table I decided that I'd go to twilight's and see if she knew where Applejack was. Or maybe I could just find Granny Smith and ask her.

I shrugged and went to Twilight's first.

--Twilight POV--

I was reading a book in my chair when a knock interrupted my studies. Groaning, I got up and opened the door. Daisy was there.

"Hello Daisy. what can I do for you?" I asked politely. My hostess coming out.

"Can.. can I come inside?" She asked and looked over her shoulder nervously. I nodded and stepped aside. Daisy came in and poofed up a chair for her to sit in. I went and sat back down in my chair right across from her.

"So Daisy, are you ok? You seem nervous," I observed. Daisy was breathing heavily and was constantly glancing around the room.

"Well I-" Daisy got cut off by more knocking on the door. I got up and flung the door open. Annoyed at the interruption. I gasped a little when I saw Big Mac there with a pinched look on his face.

"Is Applejack here? Ah gotta talk to her about something," Big Mac asked me with a husky voice. He flinched wehn Daisy sneezed causing the book shelf beside her to turn into flowers. he got a panicked look on his face, "Actually, never mind. I think I can find her," He ran off.

I shrugged and closed the door. I went back to Daisy. She was even more nervous than before.

"He's why I'm nervous," Daisy stated barely loud enough for me to hear. My mouth gaped open. She liked Big Mac?

"Did your parents ever tell you the issue they had when they got together?" I asked and daisy shook her head, "Well.."

I launched into the story of my dear Fluttershy's love triangle. I watched as her face became more and more worried. When I was done I almost regretted telling her. But They never made me pinkie promise no to tell her.

daisy got up and made the chair disappear. She mumbled a thanks before leaving. I got up and considered telling Fluttershy about her daughter's dilemma. I decided against it and went back to my book.

--Discord POV--

My insides felt queasy. I laid down and Fluttershy laid with me. I knew daisy and I have a connection but I'd only get feelings like this if she was in.. love... I shook my head from that thought. Fluttershy looked at me.

"Honey, is there something wrong?" She asked me with her voice as sweet as honey.

"I'm getting a strong emotion from Daisy. This type of thing normally doesn't happen unless she's in love," I said. my voice was weak. i didn't want my baby girl to be in love. She'd barely been out of the house for four months. I looked at my wife. As they always did they enchanted me and I couldn't look away.

"Discord, it's natural for her to have a crush. After all I had quite a few until I found you," Fluttershy smiled at me. I returned it then it faded as a single thought came into my head. What if the reason why Big Mac couldn't get over Fluttershy was because of Daisy? Dragonques have a power where if (even if their unborn) they can call their future soul-mate to them.

Fluttershy got up and put her hoof on my shoulder. I melted under her soft gaze. I loved her so much, and if this is what Daisy wants to feel with some colt then she can.

"Discord, maybe we should talk to her," Fluttershy suggested.

"Talk to me about what?" Daisy said from the door.

Fluttercord: Forging A New Life (Fluttercord Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin