Chapter 12: WHAT?!?

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--Daisy POV--

"Talk to me about what?" I asked. I had just walked in through the door. I decided I should come talk to my parents about the blooming feeling inside of my heart. It was strange feeling this way for a colt. I never thought that'd I'd even be interested, considering the way most of the ponies looked at me.

My parents shared a nervous glance at each other. My father sighed and cleared his throat. He had a conflicted expression. Like two parts of him were fighting to the death inside of him.

"Daisy, I have been getting some very strong feelings from you today," Discord said. My stomach dropped. I'd forgotten all about of emotional and telepathic connection. I blushed. He already knew I had feelings for some colt. 

"Dad, you know why I'm having these feelings. I know that we all have soul mates. All I'd like is to have a love like you and Mom do. I don't know if this colt will be that one but I won't know until I try," I looked down at the floor. I'd never really had to stand up for myself against my father before. Then again, I wasn't really standing up for myself. Just trying to explain my side and how I felt about it all.

My mom, Fluttershy, looked at my with tears in her eyes. She looked at Discord to stop him from opening his mouth to say anything back to me. My mother came towards me and hugged me.

"Daisy, if all you want is love then go for it," Fluttershy pulled away enough to look into my eyes. I wanted to cry too but held myself back. I looked at Discord. My dad, and Lord of Chaos. 

Discord held a look of happiness, but somewhere sadness etched into his features. I couldn't stand for my dad to be upset. I sent him a thank you telepathically. He smiled then chuckled causing Fluttershy to let go of me. 

"What's so funny?" She asked. My dad and I looked at each other and laughed. My mother then went to the kitchen with a puzzled look on her face. I stayed for another ten or so minutes. then I left, deciding I'd go find that handsome red stallion. 

--Big Mac--

I had finally found AJ. She was leaning against the Old Oak Tree with Dash hugging her. When I got closer, I noticed that AJ had tears streaming down her face. I stopped. I didn't want to interrupt her if they were having a discussion. I sighed and decided to go back to the farm house. 

I walked into the dimly lit living room. Granny Smith was in the kitchen. A heavenly scent hit my nose. Apple pie. I walked into the kitchen to find Granny Smith had fallen asleep in her chair. I chuckled a bit to myself and went to check the pie. Luckily, I came home when I h=did. The pie just got done. It was perfectly golden and I could tell by sight that it would be slightly crispy. Just the way Granny Smith wouldv'e wanted it.

I put the pie in the window to cool it. Its scent was making my mouth water. It was going to taste beautifully. Beautiful. Daisy. Why was I so caught up on her? She probably didn't even like me. I sighed a bit too loud and woke Granny up. 

"Oh my stars!" She exclaimed and jumped out of her chair.

"Granny, I already pulled the pie out. It's cooling," I said before she began to panic about her pie. Granny sighed relief and sat back down. We sat in silence for a few minutes. My mind went back to Daisy.

Her hair was adorable. Even though it was pale pink like her mother's it somehow was different. Maybe it was because it was shorter. Daisy's eyes were a teal color, leaning more towards aqua. I didn't know what to do and my face must of betrayed my thoughts.

"Darlin' is there somthin' wrong?" Granny asked e. Concern was evident on her face. I sighed and nodded. She replied, "Ya an talk ta me too. Ah can understand just as well as Applejack."

"Well I like somepony. But she's not a pony. She's a dragonques an-" I got cut off by a loud gasp in the living room. Applejack and Dash were standing there. 

"You like Daisy?" Dash said a devilish came across her face. I nodded, and she smiled.

"Well then today's your lucky day because," Dash and Applejack moved aside to reveal Daisy who had a shocked but excited look on her face. 

--Daisy POV--

I was shocked and I couldn't make my muscles move for some reason. He liked me. I wanted to jump up and down and scream for joy. I wanted to hide in a corner and curl into a ball. I just stared blankly at him.

Big Mac slowly walked up to me. I could see that his mouth was forming words but I was so overwhelmed with the simple fact that he had feelings for me that I just couldn't comprehend it. I felt my heartbeat quicken then realized I had been holding my breath. 

Black spots appeared in my vision and before I could react I passed out.

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