chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The streets were lined with people, their gaze faced towards me, their faces observing me, looking at my eyes. I ran along the streets, not caring what was behind me. I forgot about the job, Shaun, everything. I just went with the wind. It wasn’t until I passed a stall selling mirrors did I stop, to look at myself. At my eyes. My horribly bright, frightening eyes. They were going red, my pupils dilated and my eyes a firey, hellish red. I tried to scream from the sight but I couldn’t. It was me. Apart of me. I needed help. Now. I ram along the streets, trying to find any place that could help me in any sort of way. I looked for pharmacies, doctors, apothecaries, everything. Not a single trace of any of them. I slumped against the cobblestones, and I cried. It had been so long since I had a real, good cry. One where I let everything out. I cried against the stone, letting it soak up my unhappiness in an attempt for it to take away my sadness, but it didn’t work. Now I know why they were looking at me so fiercely. It was my eyes. They could see him. The demon. In me. But, how? Wait, what am I going to do with Shaun? Without Shaun he will get me. He’ll take me and strip me off my powers, and I will be an empty shell. He will take my soul as well, and devour it like a delicacy. I can’t let him get me. I just couldn’t.

I ran through the streets once more, looking for the mansion. For Shaun. Even for deira. As long as I have some clue of where the mansion is. You see, it may be big, but it is shielded so people can’t see it, and it is hard for me to find it. I will only find it if I am concentrating and willing, but my mind is scattered, leaking in ideas of torture and death. Where is it?

I stopped, and concentrated. I erased all things from my mind, and I looked forward. Everything around me went hazy, and suddenly I saw something. A light, gold and glimmering and as it was trailing around the corner of the street, it went a bright, horrifying red. I considered the  trail. It has to be him, but then it could lead me to the mansion, couldn’t it?

I followed the trail of gold and red through the streets, people suspiciously looking at me as if I’m loony. They were sort of right I guess. They just couldn’t see the trail, because they were looking where my hands trailed and saw nothing, their faces contorted in confusion.

I kept following the trail, until the gold ended leaving me with a long line of red leading me into a hidden apothecary. I studied it, trying to decide, when I hear laughing from inside the building. My mind goes hazy again, and instead of retreating like I originally wanted, my legs were carrying me up the steps and into the shop, my mouth unable to scream or ask for help. I couldn’t even control my own body. I just had to go with it. I thought that until I was confronted, by the demon that I was slowly resembling.


His face was set hard like stone, his unearthly grin the only thing sticking out from his face. But his eyes were like broken shards of black obsidian, and they were ringed with faint traces of a hellish coloured red. I wanted to escape. To break free. But I couldn’t. nothing in my body would allow me to move, let alone the spell holding me in place.

“Look at me.” I did as he commanded, unsure of what consequence would come next if I didn’t. He looked the same as always, only this time he held a large staff in one red hand. Its head was made of jade and the cane of black obsidian like his eyes. He only looked at me, at my face, but mostly at my eyes. Instead of fear, I get gratitude instead. “Lovely, it is working perfectly”. I couldn’t believe this.” And just HOW on earth is this lovely?” he still looked at me, admiring his handiwork and craftsmanship. Only I wasn’t admiring it. I was loathing it.” Let me be free and leave you disgusting demon”. He laughed viciously, his mouth gleaming with sharp rows of teeth. He grabbed my wrist, but for the first time since I arrived here I got back my strength. I wrenched my wrist from his grip and just stared and wondered. I wondered how he could be such a loathsome person. He is only a demon because of his violent ways. It’s his own fault. Not mine and I shouldn’t have to pay.

I tried to move my legs, but found them still rooted in place, unmovable and cramped. I shook my head, thinking about where I could have been now if I hadn’t followed the trail. I could have been at the mansion, with Veronique, and Shaun, and I wouldn’t even mind Diera, but I wanted to get back so badly. I wanted freedom!

I shook my legs furiously and broke free, running down the hallway I came from, and soon found a door which to my surprise was bolted shut, even though no one has been near this door. I smashed against the door with fury, and was pulled back with fury, everything in me shaking.

“Why goddamn it! Why are you doing this to ME?!?! Why can’t you take someone else!?” his expression never changed, never unwavered, nothing. It was as if it WAS stone. He grinned and yanked me back towards the lounge room, where inside awaited a table laden with items only saved for the worst of tortures

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