chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My room was in its usual order. My bed in the right hand corner, my clothes chest at the end of my bed all intact and clean. Everything seemed too clean. Everything except for the fact that Shaun was lying down in my bed, his eyes closed but moving vigorously. I knew his eyes were a bright red, even while he slept. But I didn’t understand. Where was his glass prison? How is he even here?

“I brought him here”. I spun around and found Veronique in the doorway, her eyes still scanning me for injuries. “What happened to my shoulder?” Veronique stayed quiet, and I could tell it was a struggle for her to be quiet. She was never the quiet one, always the hyped up, energetic child I know she still is, under all of her training and poise.

“I was walking down the hallway trying to find you to tell you I got Shaun here, but I found you walking towards the pillar, trying to find it like you were blind or what not, and as I walked to get you, your sword came from nowhere and…” my swords name is justice”. Veronique scanned my face and queried me. “What?” I looked back at her and restated, “I said, that her name is justice, you hear?” Veronique is tired of my games by now, so all she can give me is a nod of her head and she continues with her tale.

“Well, the sword came from nowhere seraphine. I’m telling you it did. It flew from the floor and it was well aimed for you. Then it hit you in the shoulder blade first, and I ran to you and tried to wake you”. I looked at her, not believing anything coming from her mouth. I looked and looked, and the silence was only finally broken until I heard a noise coming from Shaun. I peered over and saw Shaun sitting on the side of the bed, happily grinning. I ran over to him and hugged him to my chest and still bleeding shoulder. He touched my face, and I flinched. I didn’t know what it was like for him to touch me. I thought it was never going to happen. I cried into his shoulder and mumbled into his shirt my apologies.  

He looked down on my face, and smiled. I had never seen him happy before. It was so foreign to me. I have always seen him as a person who never showed emotion, or happiness. I had only seen him show an emotion when I first saw him. He was locked in his glass cage, huddled in the middle, trying to hide from the snoopy people eerily watching him. I looked at him, and as he looked at me, his face brightened considerably. I smiled, and so did he. I came back for him every day after that.

“Shaun?” He let go of me.”Yes?” I didn’t know what way I could explain the dream to him. He wouldn’t get it. It was, just too weird for him to take right now. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.” Seraphine, what is it?” how do I tell him about the guy in the dream? I can’t tell him. Forget it. I can’t. I just can’t. “Seraphine? Hold on a second”. “What??” “Seraphine. Just stand still, and clear your mind”. I knew what he was doing, and I wasn’t letting him inside my mind, but before I could stop him, my mind was overcome by a power that pushed me to the ground in seconds. I pushed against the ground, trying to contain the power, but it was becoming too strong for me to control, and all of my secrets were seconds from coming out. But suddenly, I felt a feeling inside me that was very powerful, much more powerful than Shaun’s. I used it to push away Shaun’s energies, and in seconds Shaun is on the floor in agony, shielding his face to not show his pain. What am I doing? Goddamn it stop it seraphine!! I dropped my energies and dropped to the floor next to Shaun. His face was seared and masked with burns that ran down his face. His eyes were ringed with red and when he looked at me, his eyes wavered.” What did you do?” I backed away from Shaun to give him space.” I don’t know”

“You had to know what you did. Only an experienced energy wonderer can do something like that.” I looked at him, and felt a twinge of paranoia. How can I do that? It must have been the guy in the dream. He must have done it. It had to be.” Shaun?” “What is it?”

 I explained everything to Shaun. The man in the dream, the minion, everything.

When I finished, Shaun just looked at me, unsure of what to say. I eyed pleaded with him to answer me, but Shaun continued his silence, until he had an idea. “Seraphine, you said that he was a large masculine red man, yes?” I nodded in agreement and let him continue.” I think I may know who he is.” My mind froze, and then quickly began to explode with ideas. I needed to know who this guy was. Now.” And it may also explain your powers as well”. NOW my mind was having ideas. Who was he? “Seraphine, he’s a greater demon, and he walks the earth in search of beings with power that he can use. He wants you for your powers. But don’t worry, he can’t hurt you. Not while I’m here.”

“Shaun, didn’t you listen to what I told you? He IS real!!” Shaun only giggled. “You think that this is funny?” Shaun quickly tried to apologise.” No!! It’s just that, he says that to make his victims feel unsafe and scared, so next time you see him, I want you to show fear, okay?”

“Fine, okay….. Wait, WHAT?? “What?” “You just told me that I should fear him, when seconds before you were going on about not fearing him? What the hell?!”

“If you pretend to fear him, he will go along thinking that you are helpless against him, but now that you know your power, you can use that against him when it is time.”

“How will I know when it’s time?” Shaun offered his hand to me and I grabbed it, savouring the fact that I can actually touch him. “You will know seraphine, trust me, but for now, how about some breakfast? I’m sure everyone else will want to meet me” said Shaun haughtily. “I’m glad you didn’t talk before.” Shaun’s grin went and he looked at me with sad eyes. “Why?” I smiled cheekily and replied, “because then I would have known how stuck-up you are.” I laughed, and then Shaun started laughing, and we laughed all the way out of the room with Veronique still standing in the room, unsure of what just happened.

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