chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Everyone was in the great hall, seated at the long oak table that ran down the middle of the room. The walls were covered with fuchsia wallpapers and elegant and ancient vases were in glass cases along the walls. On the walls were paintings dating back three hundred years, depicting members of the house who still resided here. On the wall was Veronique, as she was an immortal, in clothes from the sixteenth century, and in one hand was a golden goblet and in the other a book which she still has.

Shaun and I sat at the table and quickly began to dig into the food that was laid out before us. Everyone was looking at us and whispering amongst themselves, trying to figure out who Shaun was, until Deira, a monster warrior like I am, came up and shook hands with Shaun and tried to be friendly, unlike the others who just stood around and murmured to themselves.

“So Shaun, what are you doing here? Are you an immortal? A warrior?” deira was swarming him with questions but he kept up with her, marking out every detail.” So, um, what relationship do you two guys have?” I swiftly looked up from my poached eggs and gave her an intense look. Deira only looked me over with a scrutinizing eye and went back to talking to Shaun. She had never done that before. I wonder if she’s been overworking herself. Probably, but then she wouldn’t have that look in her eye. That look of pure hate. Wait, that’s it! She was just very fond of Shaun, that’s all.

“Oh, seraphine helped me when I was locked up in this glass prison. She gave me the courage and the strength to live through until I was released.” I looked over at Shaun and smiled. God he was sweet, but a bit of a tease too, because Deira’s face was slowly turning to the colour of the wallpaper. I nudged Shaun and gave him an appealing look. He looked over at deira and then continued with,” although she wasn’t the one that released me though”. That made deira look up and peer at me.” Well then how did you get out Shaun?” I gazed at Shaun and Said,” yes Shaun, how did you get out?” deira stopped looking at Shaun and began looking at me again.” You don’t know how he got out?” I kept my head down from having to look at Shaun and see his face. He knew I looked embarrassed so instead he answered.” Actually, Veronique was looking through records and she found a reversal spell so I could be released.”

“Veronique?” Now I was just confused. “ how did she know about the spell, and she was talking to me about how you would never let me into your, and these are her words Shaun not mine, ‘little glass hut”. When I said that, all Shaun did was giggle freely.” She did that so she didn’t arouse any suspicion from you.” Deira was still standing there observing, until she finally said,” well, you still should have helped him get out seraphine. It was the least you could do to get him out. Maybe if you had loved him more, you would have tried”. Shaun observed my face, and saw it slowly turn red until I could no longer take it. I slid under the table elegantly and came up behind deira, and before she could respond, I had her by the throat. Shaun only looked on with a pained look, and everyone else in the room was quiet as mice as they also looked on.” Deira, you shall watch your tongue, and if you don’t, you had better wish you were also immortal, or else you will not survive my wrath, alright? I worked for months in the library; slaving away reading every book on counter spells. There was nothing to help me. All I could do was comfort Shaun at every opportunity I had and give him my reassurance.” I let go of deira, but I still held onto the knife, when a woman walked into the room. She was beautiful, and she knew it. All eyes were on her. All except Shaun’s and mine. We were looking at each other, him with a confused face and mine reassuring. I whispered for him to be quiet, and as he did, the woman stopped in front of me, and glared with her cat like eyes.

“WHO, are you?” I looked at the woman with disgust, and replied plainly that I was one of the warriors in the academy. She smirked and looked me over, trying to spot anything out of place, such as a blade sliding from its hilt or a monsters body part hanging out from my backpack. After minutes of scrutinizing from this woman, she finally bows and speaks with grace,” I am the new academy director, Verruca Vilason.” She pushes back up her glasses, and from her purse she yanks out a blade about half of my arm’s length, and she then presents it to me. I was astounded. First this woman hates me, and seconds later she wants to make amends and be friends? Jesus…… “Are you alright seraphine?” I looked up and peered at her.” How did you know my name?”  She only smiled complacently and once again offered me the blade. I took the blade from her outstretched hands, and in a way I smiled. I had never been given anything that looked so beautiful before. Except for when Veronique gave me one of her hand me down dresses from 1559. It was covered with blue lace on the edges and trimmings and the rest of the dress was a deep purple violet. She told me she wore it at the coronation of Queen Elisabeth the first, at her coronation on the fifteenth of January, 1559.

At least with this present from the academy director, I can use it for the greater good of this world, and to help defend my kind.

The director gave me one last look, and then she moved on to the other students, and she began to chat freely with all of them, including deira, who still had a face as red as the wallpaper. She tried so badly not to look at me, but she couldn’t help but taking a look at my face at every opportunity she got. She thought that my face would sag at the thought at almost being caught by the new academy director. But instead of getting what she hoped for, she got a look of my face as blinding as the sun I was so pleased. It looks like I was on the new directors good side, and from what I can see right now, the director doesn’t seem to have been very taken with deira either.

“Seraphine?’ Shaun was at my side, his hand gripping mine tightly.” Why did you react so badly to deira? You know she didn’t mean it”. I looked at Shaun before I answered,” she DID mean it Shaun. You saw her. Everything she says, she means. She has always spoken her mind, and she will never stop doing it. At least not until I put a blade against her throat again.”

Shaun looked at me, and I laughed.” I was KIDDING!” Shaun’s face never changed.” You weren’t kidding seraphine. After seeing that I don’t believe that you were kidding.”

My face dropped as I looked at Shaun, and I was then stopped when I saw my poached eggs on the table, slowly getting cold. “Why don’t we just eat? I haven’t eaten for a couple of days, and I bet you’re pretty hungry too. For the first time after the fight Shaun actually smiled. “THAT is how I like you. Content and cheery. But always looking for a way out.” I smiled and then looked back and said,” hay!” We were both laughing, even as we refilled our plates and ate, both smiling and looking at each other, both of us happy in our own little worlds.

Through the Blades ReflectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ