Jenna loved celebrity gossip, especially since we met many of them in our line of work, sometimes more than once. She kept the whole office up to date on all the goings on of the outside world.

"Jenna, since that's the only meeting I have today is with Caroline, will you please make sure I'm not disturbed, unless the bride for next week's wedding calls?" I said to her, walking towards my office, "I want to finish the details by tonight so that we're fully prepared for next week."

Jenna nodded and I began my work. It was rare when I could have only one meeting for day, so I took the maximum advantage that I could.

Half an hour before the meeting, I got out a new file and labeled with Caroline Baxter's name and did a little research on her, so that I knew exactly how to behave around her. Most celebrities preferred when the people who worked for them just nodded and listened to what they wanted, rather than give their own opinions. According to multiple articles, Caroline was no different. She wanted things exactly the way she said.

I rubbed my temples with my fingertips and finished the sandwich I was having for lunch. I brushed all the crumbs off my desk and tidied up the mess from the morning's prep work, waiting for the couple to arrive.

There was a beep on my phone from Jenna and I pushed the button down and said, "Yeah?"

"You'll never believe who she's marrying," Jenna whisper-yelled to me and immediately hung up.

A few moments later, she tapped on the door to my office and walked in, leading in Caroline Baxter and her fiancé, Aiden Carlisle.

Caroline was wearing a black, A-line, Gucci dress, with her hair held away from her face with a clip, and carried a red Prada bag to match her red Jimmy Choo shoes. She was tall, taller than me, and definitely more slender, being the model that she was. She had a long neck, which she seemed to crane even more to look more poised. She wore the most people-pleasing smile on her face. She was beautiful and glamourous, with her sparkling blue eyes and her winning blonde hair.

"Thank you, Jenna." I said, getting up and walking over to the couple.

Jenna widened her eyes behind both the guests, raising her eyebrows suggestively, so that they couldn't see her and scurried off.

"Ms. Baxter," I greeted her, shaking her hand, "It's so nice to meet you."

"Please, call me Caroline," she told me, smiling sweetly, "And this is my fiancé, Aiden," she gestured to the famous billionaire, "Of the Carlisle family."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carlisle," I greeted him as well, shaking his hand.

Aiden stood behind his fiancée, one hand nestled in a pocket of his trousers. His navy-blue suit was immaculately tailored to fit him and the only accessory he wore apart from his matching cufflinks and tie pin along with his pocketsquare, was a perfectly matched Rolex watch. He was tall and broad shouldered, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was every bit of the picture of a perfect gentleman that he was in the magazines he appeared in.

I was almost amazed that he was getting married with all the stories the world hears about him.

"Very nice to meet you, too, Miss –" he faltered.

"Darling," Caroline practically hissed to him from the corner of her mouth, still keeping her smile.

Aiden turned to look at Caroline, confused. "Yes," he hesitated, "Honey?"

Caroline turned her head to him and gave him a look. "Her name," she clarified, "She's Miss Darling."

Realization dawned on Aiden's face and we all laughed. "I'm sorry," he said.

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