Chapter Three: Marking Meeting

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Chapter Three

Marking Meeting

"Just let me sleep" I groaned turning to my side trying to avoid the light. The surface that was under me left me as I fell and thumbed onto anther hard surface. "Ouch!" I yelped as I fluttered my eyelashes slightly starting to wake. "Stupid thing" I called out holding my head checking for blood. Luckily, there was none so it must not have been a far fall.

I was laying on a wooden floor in front of some draws. I pushed my body up and sat knelt while my eyes adjusted to the light. I used the draws to pull myself up still feeling drained as the memories flooded back to me like water cleansing the confusion. This Luke bloodsucker bit me! My trail of thought was broken when a voice spoke from behind me "You are awake I see".

I snapped my head to it and stood up. "Where did you take me?!" I screamed at Luke not caring to show respect at this creature. Right now, I want today to be over and my tolerance of these things was wearing thin. "Slave of the Rootlies your Master is already angry. Do you really want me to tell him you're being bratty? If not I suggest you shut up and get over here!" Luke calmly ordered grinning at his own remarks. I walked over quietly knowing I had already got two of my kind in danger and I wasn't planning on any more joining them.

"Good filth, Now follow Fang and Satania are waiting" he barked his last order at me coldly. I hissed under my breath with my head down as I followed the sound of footsteps. The thing in front of me knocked the door before throwing me over to Mistress Satania that keep a grip on my arm in till she got me to Master Fang. He quickly let me fall onto the floor in front of him. I held a growl back and glared at the ground.

"I take it this is the slave you wish to have your mark" A strange voice spoke clearly. I looked up to see we were surrounded by bloodsuckers quickly I bite my tongue to stop myself cursing at them. "Yes, this would be the filth"

However, Satania Rootlie is also asking her mark to be placed on the filth. So, we came to your clan for a final choice to be made as I know you will make the right choice old friend " Master Fang explains to the stranger. Mistress Satania huffed and everyone knew why imminently carrying on not showing any concern for their own. The females are seen as the lower class compared to the males in this culture. The end result of clear to everyone whose's mark I was going to end up wearing.

Anther thing was for sure; I knew this was going to be painful. The other slaves that had been marked before I would come back to their beds crying in pain from the after sting alone. It was something everyone being raised young by the other slaves were warned about. We were always told never start basically 'asking for it' ahead of time always try and avoid that day as long as you can.

"Apologies for the delays the slave has caused us" Both the Rootlies spoke at once. "The reason we was late were because that thing bit me! Not me asking him to". My mouth didn't have time to finish spitting out the smart remark as a voice cut through the air sharply. "Name slave" it spoke demandingly.

"Erica" I quietly spoke as I looked around at the room filled with these things on higher ground than me. Their attempt at making me feel small but I know there is nothing lower than these creatures. "Slave to the Rootlies bloodline" I finished as Luke smirks at my good behaviour. "Stupid bloodsuckers" I muttered to myself glaring at Luke evilly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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